Chapter 22

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I went downstairs to talk to Shane. I told him how I felt, but I wanted to know how he felt about the whole thing. I wasn't thinking about him when I yelled about getting too much help. He was probably worried out of his mind about me. And I made things worse by yelling at him. I'm lucky to have him as a mate. I don't think he knows how glad I am that I got him as a mate instead of someone else.

It's a miracle that he's helping me with this Mark thing instead of turning me in. I still don't know if there's even a way to get it off. Dr. Nale did say that it was permanent. But it's a Royal Mark. If a Royal can give it, can't a Royal take it off?

"Where's Shane?" I asked. Maddi, Ralph, Dominic, and Tyson were sitting in the living room chatting.

Tyson gave me a small smile, but it was forced. "He went on a run" Sighing, I plopped onto the couch in between Tyson and Dominic. "If it helps, he isn't mad at you. He's just a little blue"

I frowned. "That didn't help" I muttered.

Dominic patted my head. "There. There" he said softly. I scowled at his actions, but a smile crept onto my face. "He went to the Northern pack lines. Ted should be over there. He has patrol" Dominic informed me.

After thanking him, I got up and put on shoes before walking out the house. "Be careful!" Tyson shouted. I smiled at his concern. "Don't die on the way there!" That wiped the smile off of my face.

Rolling my eyes, I started speed-walking to the Northern pack lines. The walk didn't take long at all. I quickly spotted Ted. He turned as I got close. "Wendy, right?" he asked. I nodded, surprised that he remembered my name. "Well, I'm glad you're alive" he said with a chuckle.

I smiled, nodding my head in agreement. "So am I. Do you know where Shane is?" I asked. Ted nodded, pointing straight ahead. I groaned. That's so far.

"It's not that far" Ted stated. Damn thoughts need to stay in my head. My mouth just likes to blurt things out. "It's not my place to say anything, but I'm gonna anyway. Shane really cares about you. So whatever happened really needs to be fixed. He was upset coming over here" he told me honestly.

Nodding, I sighed. "That's why I'm here. I just said something, and-"

"I don't need an explanation" he said with a smile. "Go on. You're wasting time"

I thanked him before walking into the forest. I took in a whiff of air, catching my mate's scent. I walked with my nose as a guide. "The forest is dangerous alone" I was still far away from him, but I could see him.

Getting closer, I leant against a tree by him. "You're here alone" I pointed out. Shane sighed, running his hand through his hair and looking up at me. "I'm sorry. I was being rude. I really appreciate all of your help; I just feel bad that you're always doing things for me" I admitted.

He got up from the fallen tree trunk and walked up to me. Cradling my face in his hands, he pressed his lips to mine. "You have nothing to feel bad about. I don't do these things because you want me to or even if you need me to. I want to do these things. I wanted to help you walk because I didn't want you in so much pain. I wanted you to live with my grandmother because I knew you would be safe. I want to help you get rid of the Mark because I know you feel like you can't do things with it there. I want to help with everything because you've done so much without anyone there" he stated, his eyes piercing into mine.

I searched his eyes for any signs of lying. I knew he wasn't, but there was still that deep part of me that was scared to trust him. However, with the way he was staring at me, I knew that I would trust him with my body, mind, and soul. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Thank you" I mumbled gratefully. I mentally thanked the Moon Goddess for giving me Shane. No one knows where I could be right now if it wasn't for him. I could be dead. Not everyone would be as kind as Shane and help me get this thing off.

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