Chapter 5

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The room grew silent at that one word. I knew I would eventually hear someone say it. But I didn't think it would be so soon. Instead of dealing it, I did was I do best. I ignored the problem. Acting like nothing happened, I answered Ralph's question. "I didn't know how much time you wanted. I just kinda climbed trees and stuff" I started mumbling at the end, while looking down at the tile floor.

"I meant for like an hour. Not five!" he exclaimed with throwing his hands up.

I couldn't help the small smirk that spread across my face. "It wasn't five hours. It was four and a half" I corrected him.

Ralph narrowed his eyes at me. "I rounded up. And don't start being a bitch now. I'm trying to look after you" he sneered.

I found myself getting angry as I locked eyes with my cousin. "I didn't ask you to" I retorted.

He smirked and leaned against the counter. "That's where you're wrong, Monkey. You came here, looking for me; looking for help" he stated.

Actually, I didn't go for help or for him. I came because I had nowhere else to go. There was a time when I wanted his help, but I was nothing to him. Remembering the incident, I got angrier. "Why do you wanna help me now, huh?" I asked, but didn't give him time to answer. "Why not when my parents died? You didn't even come to the funeral! I needed you then! I had no one" I spat.

The smirk was quickly wiped off of his face. "I had duties here" he replied stiffly.

I turned to the man who was obviously the Alpha. The blue-eyed man. "Did he tell you that his uncle died?" I asked. He glanced at Ralph, then back at me. Silently, the man shook his head. "If he told you, would you give him time to attend the funeral and spend time with his family?" I questioned.

The man nodded. "Of course. Family shouldn't be alone after the loss of someone" he answered quickly. He had no hesitation.

Looking at Ralph, I crossed my arms. Before I had the chance to talk, Maddi spoke. "Let's all just calm down. We can talk about this another time" she suggested.

I shook my head. "I want to talk about it now" I decided. "I want to know what was so important that Ralph couldn't come to the funeral or even check up on me. I want to know what duties he had that day; that week; that month. Hell, that year! I didn't even get a phone call or a text!" I shouted. Ralph frowned and muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" I asked, looking at him expectantly.

He sighed and looked down at the ground. "It was Christmas" he said quietly. Both of my parents died in the month of December. It was the beginning of the month, so only a couple of weeks after; I had to spend Christmas alone. "I was spending Christmas with my friends and mate" he stated.

Angrily, I marched up to him and slapped him as hard as I could. "Well, while you were having a very Merry Christmas with people you love. I was in a house alone all Christmas! All of my friends were with their parents! I had absolutely no one!" I yelled.

Ralph's face turned from the force of my slap, but he didn't seem fazed by it. "I had people here to spend the holidays with" he informed me.

My anger diminished and was soon replaced my hurt. "Did I even cross your mind?" I asked. His silence was a clear answer that I didn't. "Wow" I muttered. I felt tears stream down my face.

He glanced at me and frowned. "Wendy. It's not that I didn't care about you. I just-"

"You just had people who were more important than your mourning cousin" I cut him off. He shook his head and was about to correct me. "If I don't mean shit to you, I'll just get out of your hair" I stated.

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