Chapter 17

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Wendy was sound asleep in my arms, but I was wide awake. My brain was swirling with thoughts. I could've lost her. Because of my jealousy and stupidity, she could've walked right out of my life. I pressed a light kiss to her head before slowly slipping out the bed. She stirred and curled up in the blankets before settling down.

I sighed, lucky that she didn't wake up. Quietly, I walked out the room and downstairs. Tyson was laying on the couch browsing through the channels on T.V. I plopped down on the love seat and he glanced at me for a split second. "Why aren't you sleeping?" he questioned, continuing to find something to watch. "And why aren't you wearing a shirt?" he asked as an afterthought.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Wendy's wearing my shirt. And it's not like I'm shirtless" I pointed out, tugging at my white-beater. Tyson rolled his eyes and lowered the volume on the T.V. until it was at zero. "What did you guys do before you came to the pack house?" I inquired.

Tyson sat up and sighed. "I picked her up, then we had breakfast at Ben's. We just talked, that's all" he assured me. "Did she tell you anything?" he asked.

I shook my head as I became curious. "Was there something that she should've told me?" I questioned. We were both kinda beating around the bush.

He bit his lip before turning his body towards me. "Long story short, I know about the Royal Mark. That's what we talked about, and she wanted to tell you that I knew. But you kinda..." he stated, trailing off.

Nodding, I ran my hand through my hair. "Thanks for not telling anyone" I said genuinely grateful. He shrugged like it was no big deal. "I went to a coven to get some info about it. That's where I was all of yesterday" I informed him.

"Did you find anything helpful?" Tyson asked.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "No. They told me some stories about people actually hunting the ones with Royal Marks. And that it's been over a decade since one has even been given. But I still have no idea how to get rid of it" I stated.

We were both quiet for a few moments. "Why'd you go to a coven? If you want to know about a Royal Mark, ask someone that knows about Royalty. It doesn't have to be a Royal family member. It could just be someone in the Royal pack. Or someone that just studied stuff about them" Tyson suggested.

I jumped off the love seat and plopped down next to Tyson. Our shoulders clashed together, causing him to lean to the opposite side. I reached up to ruffle his hair. "This is why we're best friends" I stated.

He scoffed and shoved my arm away. "You're best friends with me because you need my amazing advice and shit. I'm best friends with you out of pity. I mean, you would be such a lonely person without me" he teased.

Chuckling, I shoved him off the couch. Before he had a chance to retaliate, I jumped over the back of the couch and booked it upstairs. "Sleep with one eye open" Tyson mind-linked me. Luckily he's smart enough not to yell. Clara might wake up.

I ignored him as I returned back to Wendy's room.


I woke up to the sound of pots and pans. Wendy was gone, but I could hear the sound of her voice as she talked to someone downstairs. I forced myself out of the bed and stretched my arms out. After quickly fixing the bed, I walked outside. Halfway to the staircase, I heard the soft sound of Clara whimpering.

Turning around, I walked to her nursery. "Hi, sweetheart" I cooed, walking towards the crib. Her bottom lip jutted out and started quivering. "You're okay" I said in a kid voice, which made me sound extremely ridiculous. I carefully picked her up from her crib and held her on my hip.

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