Chapter 3

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Today is the day I am supposed to leave. To be more specific, I'm supposed to be leaving in about 8 hours. Dr. Bradshaw instructed me to leave at midnight. In my opinion, that's extremely cliche; but I'm not allowed to give my opinion. I just have to do what she tells me.

I don't think she would like my opinions anyway. Most of my opinions are very strong and about her- more specifically, about her attitude and appearance. Honestly, it looks like she never brushes her hair or showers.

Anyways. I'm no longer babysitting the kids, all of them went home about an hour ago. I should be relaxing right now; but instead, I'm heading to the hospital wing to get my daily 'check-up.' Alpha Beverly and Beta Mitchell are still clueless about me leaving. Which makes it more easier for me to leave.

"Stupid doctor" I muttered to myself. "Fucking Royal Mark. This shit sucks" I grumbled while opening the door to the doctor's office.

I made my way to her desk and plopped down in my usual chair. "Your late" she informed me. By like two minutes. She threw a small duffle bag at me. "There's two outfits and food that should last a couple of days" she stated.

At least she's giving me something. If I could, I would probably sink my claws into her neck right now. But she still pumps me with wolfsbane. Needless to say, she's a bitch. "You're leaving on the Southern side of the territory. That's the closest neutral land" she ordered.

Rolling my eyes, I nodded my head. We went over all of this yesterday. "Do I still have to wear that stupid black hoodie?" I questioned. She gave me an all black outfit, claiming that it would make me less noticeable. But we're freaking werewolves! It's like we have night vision goggles on 24/7.

Before I could process it, the doctor backhanded me. "You'll do what I tell you to do" she growled. "You're wearing the outfit. You're leaving tonight, and you're never coming back" she said slowly.

She stared at me, waiting for me to challenge her. "I'll wear the outfit, and you'll never see me again" I promised. She smirked and dismissed me with a wave of her hand. Softly sighing, I grabbed the duffle and walked out of her office.

Unfortunately, I just had to bump into Beta Mitchell. "Hello, Wendy. What's in the bag?" he asked.

I'm sure he could hear how hard my heart was beating. He probably would get suspicious if I don't come up with a good lie. "It's meds from Dr. Bradshaw. I hate needles, but it's supposed to help me gain weight" I said.

He nodded in understanding. "Yeah. Needles suck. I gotta run. I'll see you later" he said quickly. I bet he's gonna go see his Alpha mate.

I walked to my guest room. I threw the duffle bag by the wall and jumped onto the bed. I can't believe that I have to leave in eight hours. "Where the hell am I even gonna go?" I asked myself.

Thanks to Dr. Bitch-Face, I still can't contact Liz. I'm practically human, so I'm extremely easy to kill. No offense to humans.

I can probably survive in neutral land. I did it for a year, I can do it again. I can still squeeze into trees and hide in caves. Or I can just climb a tree again. "That's probably not a good idea" I whispered to myself. I wouldn't want to fall again, then repeat all of this. That would totally suck. "I'm just gonna wing it" I decided.


Eight hours later, I was in the stupid all black outfit. I think Dr. Bradshaw went to the mall just to get the all black outfit. I look like a fucking robber. the duffle bag was hanging on my shoulder as I quietly exited the room. Sneaking out in a house full of werewolves has to be one of the hardest things ever to do.

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