Chapter 6

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I talked to Maddi for over an hour, when Ralph finally woke up. I don't know how he could sleep through all our talking, laughing, choking, and arguing. It started out as talking about random shows. We laughed so hard, and I choked on my own spit. Which just made Maddi laugh harder. Then we started arguing about what ice cream is the best flavor. I'm not even sure how we got to that topic, but we started arguing about it.

Then we ate a five gallon tub of ice cream in silence. That is when my lovely cousin decided to grace us with his conscious presence. We both acted like we didn't hear him groaning as he got off the couch. It would be hard not to hear him. The leather made a weird noise as he pushed himself off the seats.

Maddi and I continued to eat our Oreo ice cream. I heard Ralph walk into the kitchen, dragging his feet on the tile floor. He stopped in the doorway, most likely processing the scene in front of him. Maddi glanced at me, and I shrugged and scooped up more ice cream.

"Wendy?" Ralph said quietly, like he couldn't believe that I was there. "I thought you left" he said it more to himself, than to me. I chose to ignore him as I stuffed my face with my frozen dessert. "I deserve the silent treatment" he mumbled as he walked deeper into the kitchen.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I hopped off my seat. "Well, that's my cue. Thanks for the talk and ice cream" I told Maddi. After giving her a quick hug, I walked past my cousin and to the door. He called my name as I passed him; but once again, I ignored his voice.

I stopped in front of the door. Honestly, it hurt even hearing Ralph's voice. It just reminded me about what he had said last night. His words repeated in my head, completely killing my mood. Suddenly, it just disappeared. It was quickly replaced with happiness and excitement. 'I'm just gonna hold on to that emotion for a little while' Liz informed me.

A small smile spread across my face as I thanked her. Her being able to control my emotions will definitely come in handy. After a deep breath, I pulled open the door. My mate stood on the other side of the doorway. He smiled as he saw me. "Hey" I greeted him softly.

He smiled. "Hey, yourself" he said. "Did you eat yet?" he asked. Well, I ate ice cream. But that doesn't count as breakfast, and I'm still hungry. I decided to shake my head in response. "Then our first stop will be food" he informed me.

I nodded in agreement as I stepped outside. I closed the door behind me. I would lock it, but I don't have a key. Ralph is in there anyway, they should be safe. "Breakfast or lunch?" he asked.

Shrugging, I fell in step next to him as we walked to a fancy-looking motorcycle. My mate walked towards the bike and pulled the seat open. He pulled out a shiny black helmet and handed it to me. "Did you buy a helmet just for me?" I teased.

He shook his head as he walked back over to me. "No. I just had an extra" he told me.

Pursing my lips, I attempted to hold in my laugh. "Um... You do know that the tag is still on it, right?" I stated. He frowned and ripped the tag off of the helmet. He brushed my hair back before putting the helmet on my head. Sparks erupted on my neck where his skin barely touched mine. "What's your name?" I blurted.

Chuckling, he tightened the strap under my chin. "Shane Meyers" he informed me. "Yours?" he asked.

"Wendy Keeler" I introduced myself. Shane put on his own helmet that was similar to mine, except he had the plastic part that slides down and covers your face. Honestly, I like this helmet better than his. Like what if your face is itchy; but the shield thing is in your way, and you can't scratch your face. I guess it makes sense though. You probably shouldn't be trying to scratch your face while riding a motorcycle.

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