Chapter 12

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I walked into the kitchen, where Sarah was waiting for me with breakfast already cooked. "Good morning" I chirped while making my way to the coffee pot. I quickly made my coffee and returned the sugar and cream back to their rightful spots. "This looks delicious" I commented as I sat at the table. Noticing that Sarah wasn't saying anything, I looked up at her. "What's wrong?" I inquired.

She sighed and mustered up a small smile. "Your cousin had his baby, right?" she asked randomly. I nodded while sipping my coffee, careful not to burn my tongue. "Oh, I love babies" she said with a smile on her face. "I haven't seen a baby since Shane was born. He was the cutest little guy ever. Except when he tried to be Tarzan" she chuckled.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "He would strip down to his diaper and jump all over the furniture" she informed me. I could tell she was having a moment of nostalgia. "Jade would get so frustrated because she thought he would fall. That little boy never listened to his mother" she said with a laugh.

Smiling, I put down my coffee. "Would you like to go see Clara?" I offered. Without missing a beat, Sarah nodded her head. "Do you have a car?" I asked. Once again, she nodded her head. "I can drive us there after breakfast" I stated.

She squealed before continuing to eat her food. I couldn't help but notice how she was now eating faster than before. She finished pretty quickly. I was about three quarters of the way finished with my food when she scooped up my plate and put it in the sink. "Chop. Chop. Time to see the little angel" she insisted.

Laughing at her enthusiasm, I got up from my chair and finished off my coffee. "I put some of Jade's clothes in your room" she called out as I walked to my room. I thanked her before closing the door.

I opened the closet and began running my hands over the clothes. I found a cute white skater skirt and a light pink baby doll crop top with thin straps. I took a quick shower, a little less than 10 minutes; before I changed into the outfit. I looked in the closet for something to wear over the top. I tried on various cardigans, not finding one that I liked. I sifted through the closet again, spotting the last cardigan. It was sheer fabric and had a pink floral design. I slipped my arms through and nodded in approval.

Yes. I approved my own outfit. I slipped on a pair of white flats that I found in the closet to finish the outfit. I found the unopened make-up and put on a little nude lipstick. I quickly walked out the room, knowing that Sarah was thrilled to see Clara. Sarah was waiting for me by the door with keys in her hand.

"Let's go!" she squeals while skipping out the house. And I mean actually skipping. It scared me. I thought she would fall and break her hip or something. Old people are fragile. And this is Shane's grandmother. If she broke a hip, then I would feel horrible for witnessing it. I quickly caught up to her and she tossed me the keys as she pulled the plastic cover off of a bright red convertible. It looked vintage, but had some alterations to make it look more modern.

I quickly got in the car, running my hand over the white leather seats. It was a stick shift, luckily I know how to drive one. After admiring the car for a few moments, I put the key in the ignition and pulled away from the small house.


I wracked my brain to remember how to get to Ralph's house. Liz occasionally piped in to help. In about an hour, since we got lost a few times; we got to my cousin's house. There were five wolves that had emerged from the forest lines. They all shifted and slipped on clothes. It was Tyson, Dominic, Alex, Sophia, and another girl who I haven't met.

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