Chapter 16

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"He's here" my head snapped to the door, where Maddi was standing. I just got Clara to fall asleep after an hour of rocking her back and forth, and I was putting her down in her crib. "He knows you're here. But he said that he won't come in if you don't wanna see him" she informed me.

I held up one finger and finished tucking Clara into her crib. I walked towards the door and partially closed it so that there was a small crack between the door and the frame. "Why is Shane here?" I asked. It was obvious who she was talking about. He's the only person that would come here for me.

Maddi looked at me with a look that basically told me that I'm stupid. "He's guilty about the situation. He's probably here to apologize" she stated. Sighing, I shook my head. "You don't want him to apologize?" she asked.

Shrugging, I curled my hair behind my ear. "I don't know" I said quietly. Sure, he hurt me by thinking that I would hurt him like that. I never cheated on anyone. Ever. I had one night stands, casual sex. But my only relationship was with Asher. And I never cheated on him. Not even a single brush of the lips. I understand that he might be hesitant to trust me considering my past. But it's not just me that he accused. He's accusing his best friend of doing something with me.

Tyson was so offended when Shane found us in the kitchen and thought that we were doing something. It's obvious to anyone that Tyson is a loyal friend. He didn't give Shane any reason not to trust him. All we did was hang out for the day. It wasn't even the whole day because we were at the pack house since lunch time. Shane's accusations aren't justified. Tyson is his best friend. And he's Tyson. That's enough reasoning to trust him not to sleep with someone else's mate.

"You might wanna figure it out fast cause I don't think Ralph is strong enough to hold apart a Beta and a Head Warrior" she told me.

I groaned and rubbed my temples. Hopefully they haven't started a physical fight yet. I went past Maddi and down the stairs. "She was bawling her fucking eyes out!" I moved faster, hearing the sound of yelling.

At the door, Ralph was watching something outside. "Really? You couldn't keep Tyson in the house?" I wailed. Tyson and Shane were standing in front of the house about a foot away from each other.

Tyson was shouting while my mate was pulling at his own hair. "She came to me, unable to speak through her fucking tears. Because of your stupidity!" Tyson yelled.

I sighed and yelled at him to stop. But he couldn't hear me because Shane shouted at the same time. "She shouldn't have even gone to you! I'm her mate! She should go to me when she's upset!" Shane argued.

"It was your fucking fault that she was upset!" Tyson screamed. I don't think I've heard him drop so many f-bombs. "She. Would. Not. Cheat. On. You. Get that through your fucking skull!" he exclaimed.

Rubbing my head, I looked to Ralph for help; but he and Maddi were gone. What a great cousin I have. Turning back to the two guys, I screamed. "Shane! Get off of him!" I shouted. Yeah. Their fight just got physical. My mate was on top of Tyson, throwing punch after punch at his face. Luckily, Tyson had his hands up, blocking the punches. I ran towards them and tried pulling Shane back, but he wouldn't budge. "Stop it!" I screamed.

Shane's next punch caused Tyson to drop his arms. I knew that Shane would probably never stop punching Tyson. I ran straight into my mate and tackled him off of Tyson. We both went flying to the ground. I hissed in pain as I got back up. "Fucking shit" I muttered. By the pain shooting up my arm, I knew that my shoulder was dislocated. Tackling people is difficult.

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