Chapter 8

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"Mornin' darlin'" Sarah, Shane's grandmother, said as I trudged into the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?" she asked kindly.

I gave her a small smile as she handed me a steaming cup of coffee. "Good. Thanks. What about you?" I asked.

Sarah smiled and started pulling out some cream and sugar for my coffee. "I slept just fine. Thanks for asking. Shane's gonna come over. He wants to take you out somewhere" she informed me.

After thanking her again, I started to add some sugar to my coffee. "Really? Do you happen to know where he's taking me?" I questioned. Sarah made a motion to imply that her lips were sealed. I pouted and poured a little cream into my coffee. "Can I have a hint?" I asked while jutting out my bottom lip.

Sarah shook her head at me. "Sweetie. That didn't work on me when I had Shane's mother; and I can assure you that its not working now" she stated with a light laugh. I frowned and stood up. Remembering where she got the sugar from, I put it back in the cabinet before putting away the cream.

That's not fair! I didn't know that Shane would be all 'romantic' and make things a surprise. Wait. What if he's taking me out somewhere nice. I have no clothes! "Sarah?" I said softly. "Do you think Shane would mind if we just go out some other time?" I asked in a quiet voice.

She turned to look at me with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why not today? Are you feeling alright?" she questioned as her face turned from confusion into concern.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. Its been a while since someone has been concerned for me. And Shane, Maddi, and Ralph do not count. I mean someone like a parent-figure. No one was there to look out for me. And this woman- that I had just met last night- treats me like she's known me forever.

"I'm feeling okay. I'm not sick or anything" I stated. She gave me a look that told me to continue. "I just- I don't want to go out with Shane. Not because I don't like him. He's really sweet. Its just that; I'm not exactly in a good state to be going out" I explained.

Sarah cocked her head in confusion. "Well, what's the problem?" she inquired.

Sighing, I sat back down in the dining chair and put my hair in a ponytail. I kept that hair-tie that Shane gave me. "I only have a backpack full of clothes. There isn't anything that is actually decent. All my clothes are worn out and I doubt there is one thing that doesn't have a hole" I stated. I should really do laundry. And get more clothes.

'You don't have money' Liz pointed out. Oh, yeah. That's why I'm dressed like a hobo. I should get money, then buy clothes. That sounds like a good plan! "Let me show you something" Sarah said as she walked out of the kitchen. After taking a quick sip of my coffee, I followed her.

We walked down the hallway towards my bedroom. But Sarah stopped a few doors down from my room. She reached up to the door-frame. I guess there's a key or something. "I'll get it" I offered. Standing on my tippy-toes, my fingers barely touched the frame. I slid my hand across it, until I felt the cold metal.

After grabbing it, I handed it to Sarah. She gave me a grateful smile before sliding the key into the door knob and opening it. The room was slightly bigger than mine. There was a queen sized bed and a couple of dressers. "This was Jade's room" she said softly. I'm just gonna take a guess and say that Jade is Shane's mom.

I followed Sarah into the bedroom and she sat on the bed. "I can still smell her faint scent" she whispered. It was like deja-vu. The first time that I walked back into my parents' room, I could still smell their scents; it was almost as if they were still there with me. Walking towards her, I grabbed one of her hands and gave it a small squeeze. "I never moved her things. I'm sure you can find something" she stated.

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