Chapter 7

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We went back to my cousin's house to get my bag. I honestly don't even think I'll need it. There's barely anything in that bag. The motorcycle ride wasn't filled with wheelies and talking. He surprisingly drove safely, but neither of us said anything. I think we've made enough conversation for the day.

I still can't believe that this is happening. Maybe I shouldn't have told Shane. Maybe keeping it a secret would've been better. If I didn't tell him, then we would still be at Ben's Burgers, Barbecue, and Bar. Who the hell named that place?! Actually, that doesn't really matter because the food was fucking amazing.

Sorry, off-topic. Anyways, its hard not to think about what could've happened if I didn't tell him today. Obviously, he would've found out eventually; but is sooner always better than later? No. Its not. You don't want to die sooner. You probably want to die later. Maybe later was the better option for me. I feel like I'm just a burden now.

I could've prolonged all of this; or maybe just avoid this whole situation. 'You know that wouldn't do any good' Liz butted in. 'He still would've found out. And he would just be mad that you kept it from him' Now she has something to say! She was quiet the whole time in the diner.

But she does have a point. He would be angry if I kept this secret from him. 'Later might sound better; but its really not' Liz told me softly. I frowned. Why does she have to be right all the time?!

We pulled into the driveway of Ralph's house, ending my conversation with my wolf. We got off the bike and Shane helped me take off the helmet. He slid up the face shield on his helmet, so he could speak. "Do you want me to wait here?" he asked.

I shook my head and put the helmet in the seat compartment. "Can you actually just pick me up tonight?" I asked. "I want some time with Maddi and Ralph before I leave" I said quietly.

Shane nodded in agreement. "I'll be here around seven" he stated. I gave him a small thanks before he put the plastic shield back in place and got on his bike. I watched as he revved the bike and sped off.

Theoretically speaking, I could grab my bag and just leave. But I'm pretty sure Shane would go look for me. After all, that's what his father taught him.

"Wendy?" a voice called out. I turned and saw Maddi standing in the doorway. "Are you gonna stand there all day? Come inside" she urged.

I hesitantly made my way towards her. I don't know how she'll feel when I tell her that I have to leave. Shane and I agreed to just tell them that I'll be living with him. Which is believable. I'm just not sure how to break the news to them. They'll probably think its because of that whole thing with Ralph. I'm still mad and hurt about that, but not to the point where I'll never talk to him again.

It was a fucked up decision. He chose his friends and mate, instead of his mourning cousin. He chose having fun, instead of being a good cousin. He chose to have a nice dinner and gifts, instead of picking up the phone. He chose to not even tell anyone about my parents.

Some cousin, right?

Stopping in front of Maddi, I spoke quietly. "Can we talk in the kitchen?" Honestly, their couches aren't the most comfortable seats. "With Ralph" I added. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but she nodded nevertheless.

I took deep breaths as I walked into the house and straight to the kitchen. I heard Maddi going up the stairs. I probably should've helped her. It must be hard moving around with another freaking person inside of you. Her footsteps suddenly stopped. I think she was less than halfway up the stairs.

"Ralph!" she shouted. "Get your ass down here!" she demanded. I listened as my cousin's quick footsteps echoed through the house. "Wendy wants to talk to us in the kitchen" Maddi told her mate.

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