Raven Can't Keep a Secret

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      "Thought you'd rather go with Bellamy," Octavia stated. Even though she was struggling to hoist up the grounder I could still sense the spite in her tone.

      "I'd rather help you," I retorted, biting my as I helped her pull the grounder up to his feet. Together we walked out of the camp, everyone looking dazed and confused. Bellamy and Clarke left to get supplies from this place like the Ark instructed. Leaving the camp as high as kites since someone brought the wrong berries.

      As we made it outside the camp, I saw the same warrior/grounder woman standing outside. It was clear she was waiting for us as she stopped twirling around with her knife and looked straight at us. My back straightened as I eyed her carefully. Every fiber in my body screamed for me to run away. It was a survival instinct; to run away from danger. But I stood my ground and let the woman come to his aid. She nodded at us quickly and simply, "If you need anything, just call." With that she left.

      My back stiffened at the echo of her voice, and the hairs on my arms and neck stood up. The forest seemed to blend together as all my senses built up, and I fell to my knees and puked all over the forest floor. Octavia held back my blonde hair as I kept throwing up everything I've ate. After I was done, all I felt was weak. It took away all of my valuable nutrients, and I knew that this wasn't good. I haven't eaten anything that should upset my stomach, and I needed these nutrients.

      "You okay?" Octavia asked, rubbing my back soothingly. I just nodded, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. We walked back into camp casually like nothing happened.


     The whole camp was sick, infected with something Murphy brought along. Bellamy and Clarke, our leaders, have fallen ill as well. My heart kept warning me to take care of Bellamy, that this could've been the last time I could've seen him, but my brain kept reminding me that the woman told me to just call if I needed anything. So with a sweet and passionate kiss to Bellamy's lips, ignoring his protests about me getting sick, I quickly left afterwards.

      I didn't tell Bellamy that I was also sick too, but not like they were. I'm throwing up at random times, pretty much after I eat anything. While they have blood pouring out of their eyes and mouths. I couldn't let him worry now, I probably just had a little bug.

     So here I was now, in the middle of the forest not knowing how to 'call' her. I bit my lip as I thought of the most logical thing to do. Cupping my mouth, I whistled like a bird a few times. I patiently stood there hoping it would work.

      "You called?" Her dominant voice called out, and I whipped my head around to face her. The dark makeup around her eyes were erased but her eyes were seemed to be in permanent slits.

      Gulping, I nodded. "My camp has fallen under a sickness. I hoped that you could help." She nodded and motioned with her hand for me to follow. Gulping again I followed her hesitantly. It was hard for me to follow with her long strides but we made it to a nice looking hut near the bridge. She opened it leaving it open for me. I cautiously looked around before walking into the warm hut.

      The outside of the hut looked like dirt, leaves, and twigs stuck together in clumps. Now the inside- was amazing. It looked like a real warm; warm and cozy. It smelt of fire and cooked meat. Immediately she went towards the fire and started heating up a cup of liquid. Biting my lip, I awkwardly spoke up. "I'm Kitten."

     After a few seconds she said, "I'm Lagertha."

      I nodded, looking off silently to the side. After waiting patiently Lagertha stood up and blew on the warm cup. Standing right in front of me, Lagertha blew on it once more before speaking in her native language. I gulped in fear as she started speaking louder and louder. After a few seconds she quieted down, but kissed my forehead. Before I could understand she just did that she pushed the cup onto my pink lips, the fluid flowing down my throat smoothly. It tasted like herbs and water, and it wasn't the best taste in the world. Once I was done she set the cup down at gave me a small smile.

Nobodies // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now