A Little Chaos

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        Sure, sometimes it is difficult to cope with being a victim of multiple rapes and assaults.  I never try to dwell on this fact in my old, cold, and lonely cell during my restless nights.  The familiar sound of the loud humming noise of the Ark always kept me company at night.  Distracting my thoughts away until I dozed off.  It was an easy routine to follow every morning and every night.  Now, having nothing buzzing in my ear felt peaceful but at the same time strange, and it gave me an uncertain feeling that filled my stomach.  I currently had that eerie silence to keep my thoughts alive and awake.  Memories, things I don't want to remember, flood my head like a contagious virus.  Not too many happy ones.

        I sighed as I wiggled against the moist, dirt ground.  The rain calmed down after a while, and it left the dirt turning into mud.  But it the ground quickly soaked up the rain, leaving the ground only a little wet.  The twigs and leaves crunching under my weight, snapping into the silent air.  I could hear some people coughing a few ways away.  I decided to isolate myself away from all them, like always, finding my own little area peaceful for a while.  Some had tents set up, but many didn't.  I was one of the poor, unfortunate souls that would probably never get one.

        For the past hours I've had no social encounters with anybody, thankfully.  Having to speak to Bellamy was quite enough.  He was surely a character.  A mystery begging to be solved. 

        My mind jumbled with thought of Octavia and the rest of the group.  They haven't returned, no sounds or signs of them being in trouble have occurred.  I was worried for Octavia, she was too curious sometimes.  I just wish that she would've put up a fight for me to join her.  Why couldn't she?

        The fire has burned down a bit, leaving a faint glow haunting the camp.  A clear night sky seemed so relaxing as it frowned down upon my face.  The relaxing mood seemed disoriented.  (I feel like none of this makes sense, but oh well.)

        Finding the perfect spot, where the dirt ground seemed to be shaped perfectly against my back.  Momentarily forgetting that I was on Earth, I sighed in peace.  Black spots filled my vision as I was ready to dream into a dreamless sleep. 

* * * * 
        They still haven't came back yet, and my stress level was raising higher the more I heard Murphy's voice shouting at everyone.  I missed the comfort of Octavia, but I wished I wasn't so dependent on her.  So trying to reach new limits I hung out with Wells a little bit more than having to sit and pout.  He was actually a great, talkative, and welcoming person.  Sure, he wasn't very open or humorous, but his eyes gave everything away.  His eyes were like an open book to me.  I wasn't attracted to Wells, but I was overjoyed with the fact that I had at least two friends now.  I know, what an accomplishment.
        I'm at least happy that I got to learn about the real Wells.

        I've realized some of Wells' movements today.  He seemed more fidgety and scared, as if he was expecting for someone to pounce at him.  I didn't dare to ask, it wasn't my business.  If he felt the need to share then he was more than welcomed to.  But he wasn't the only one acting that way.  I was too.  All morning I've tried to stay away from the "leader" of the group.  It helps that I haven't seen him much, but whenever I do I flee from his sight. 

        Currently, Wells and I were staring sadly at the two graves we just finished making.  There, underneath the soil, two bodies were stored under there.  It was chilling to think that, but this was reality.  People die- we're not immortal.  "They shouldn't have died."  My voice was small, and I thought that Wells didn't hear me.  But I knew he did once he wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a brotherly way.

        "I know, but death is inescapable."  His words told the truth, yet my heart turned the other cheek.  Death was destined to happen to us sooner or later.  These boys just died sooner, sadly.  We both walked back silently, none of us knowing what to say to brighten the mood without it being too awkward.  Many people were shouting and running around the forest like children.  Yet I wanted to join, ever since we've set foot on the ground everything has been so serious.  Nothing like I thought it would be like.  I even saw a group of kids playing their handmade drums in sync.  I wanted to join but Wells wanted to put the pile of clothes in the drop ship.

        I could hear the faint sound of the drums as a kid walked in our path.  "Hey, uh, where'd you get the clothes?"

        "From the two kids who died during the landing," Wells spoke gravely.

        He nodded in understanding, "I see, so I'll take them-" He tried to grab the pile of clothes in Wells hand, but Wells jerked them away from his reach.  I watched as Wells tried to tell him to stop but the kid wouldn't listen.  I could tell Wells was trying to keep calm and collective, but even I was frustrated that this guy couldn't take a hint.

        "You still don't get it, do you?" Bellamy called out to us as he exited the drop ship- shirtless.  Any girl in their right mind would've done what my eyes immediately decided to do: stare at his abs.  His skin tone was almost golden-like when the sun hit him.  He was amazingly fit, just like I expected.  But he knew he was good looking, and his confidence was radiating off of him right when he made an entrance.  My goggling stopped once I noticed the girl trailing behind him.  She kissed him lustfully on the lips, and I turned my head away.  Disgusted by the noise of their lips touching, my heart trembled a bit.  Why?  That is answer that will never be answered.

        "This is home now," He continued on after the girl left.  He stalked towards Wells, not seeing me yet.  "Your father's rules no longer apply."  With that, he swiftly takes a shirt from Wells' grip.  Angered, Wells tries to lunge for Bellamy, but was held back from the mysterious guy.

        "Don't be an ass, Bellamy and give it back." I told him, trying to stay confident in myself.  He just smirked at me, and looked between Wells and I.

        "You want it back?  Take it."  He teased us, but mainly Wells.  They have a mini stare down, and it was quite awkward from where I stood.  I was angered by the fact that Bellamy thought that he was the leader of us.  All because he was older and buffer than us.  But I knew he was trying to get Wells riled up.  Wells was being played like a pack of dolls.  He threw the remainder of the clothes behind him.  Many teenagers scrambled to get the clothes, which I rolled my eyes at. 

        "Is this what you want?  Do you want chaos?" Wells asks.  He sounded defeated, tired with trying to let Bellamy see his ways too.

        He shrugs nonchalantly, "What's wrong with a little chaos?"  Just after that, we heard a loud scream echoing through the forest.  With our attention thrown towards the scream, we all jog to see what was happening.  What I saw next made me realize that we weren't safe with our own people.  Murphy was holding a girl, against her will, above the fire.  She struggled in his hold as the fire burned her skin.

        "Hey Bellamy!" He called out, flicking his eyes to see the crowd forming.  "I thought that if we want the Ark to think the ground is killing us, right?  I figured it would look better if we actually suffered a little bit."  I felt so sick to my stomach as Wells charged at Murphy, tackling him to the ground.  Not only Murphy could do this, but many other boys could do this to an innocent person.  Everyone here was charged for something.

        I looked at Bellamy, who seemed unfazed by what Murphy just did.  I pushed his shoulder, gaining his attention.  It wasn't a strong shove, more like just an attention gainer.  "You can stop this, they listen to you.  Heck, I listen to you.  Just stop." I pleaded, looking at his with hopeful eyes. 

        His brown eyes looked down at mine, and with no hesitation, he spoke, "Stop this?  I'm just getting started."

        Wells and I stare at him in disbelief, how could he be so cruel?  People would suffer if we lived like this, but not him.  He would have a golden crown resting above his head as everybody complied to his demands.  It was sickening to know what power he held over people, but I guess that if I wasn't Octavia's friend I would've been brainwashed too.

        Out of no where, Murphy punches Wells in the jaw.  People cheer with encouragement, finding the quarrel entertaining.  I stared at the scene, worried for my new friend.  I stepped forward, my mind begging for me to stop this, but I felt strong arms grab my upper arms and pull me into a chiseled chest.  Instantly, I knew it was Bellamy.  From his scent and his strength.

        "Bellamy," I whispered as I watched the two continue to fight, "Chaos can turn into so much worse than what was intended.  They listen to you, you have a strong voice down here.  Please," I whisper, feeling helpless as I watch Wells get punched in the face again.

        "Don't worry, Kitty.  It's none of your business anyway." I heard Bellamy say behind me.  None of my business?  This was my business!  His actions and words affected my life along with everybody else's!  When Wells stood up, huffing and puffing, he looked victorious as Wells was still on the ground.  I stopped struggling in Bellamy's grip, finding comfort in that he didn't look too cut up.

        "Don't you see that you can't control this!" He yells at Bellamy, who was still holding me.  I watched as Murphy stumbled to his feet, clutching an item in his hand.  My mind couldn't register what it was until it was too late.

        "Wells!" I shouted, hoping that my useless words would somehow help.  Murphy raised his hand, ready to lunge at Wells.  But Bellamy pushed me behind him as he walked up to the two.

        "Wait!" He yelled making them pause.  He grabbed another knife and dropped it in front of Wells' feet.  "Fair fight."

        I stared wide-eyed at Bellamy, was he literally blind?  He moved back to my side, and I didn't dare try to get involved.  This wasn't a fist fight anymore, this was a knife fight.  Life or death.  I wouldn't know, but usually in books knife fights equal deaths.  They continue to swing at each other, just amusing the crowd.  Murphy made the first real cut on Wells, but in the end Wells got him in a choke-hold, pressing the knife to his throat.

        "Wells!" A voice snapped above us.  There stood Clarke with the rest of the group, with no food.  "Let him go!" She continued as they all walked down the hill.  I looked at Clarke for a second until I noticed Octavia limping down the hill.

        "Octavia!" Bellamy and I sighed in worry and relief.  We both rushed to her side, noticing the blood dripping down her leg.  She waved us off as Bellamy helped her down the hill.  "Where's the food?" Bellamy asks Clarke.  I give Octavia a small hug, whispering to her that I was thankful that she wasn't dead.

        "We didn't make it to Mount Weather," Finn spoke up from beside us.  Everybody looked out of breath and a little dazed.  I frowned, intrigued by what could've happened.

        Bellamy snapped, "Then what the hell happened out there!"

        "We were attacked."

        "Attacked?  By what?" I asked, scared by the answer I might receive.

        Finn spoke up, saying the words I dreaded to hear.  "Not by what, who."  His words were mysterious and caused for many heads to peak up.  "Turns out that the last man from the ground on the Ark, really wasn't the last grounder."

        "It's true, everything we knew about is wrong.  They're people here, survivors.  The good news is that means we can survive.  Radiation won't kill us." Clarke says, in a leader's voice.

        Finn sighs, "But the bad news is that the grounders will."

        No one spoke for a while, trying to soak up this information.  "Where's the kid with the goggles?"  Who?

        Even though I knew that Clark and Wells had a rough bump in their relationship, I could tell in that moment she was too riled up to care about their past.  "He was hit.  They took him.  Where's your wristband?" My eyes snapped to his wrist, that was naked and bare.  My hand instinctively snatched my wrist in a protective way.  This thing was never coming off.

        Wells turned to Bellamy, glaring at him so venomously.  "Ask him."  I could see the confusion written on Octavia's face as she looked at her older brother.

        "How many?" Clarke asked, you could hear the anger lacing her words.

        Just to anger her more, Murphy spoke cockily.  "24 and counting."

        She shook her head in disgust, she wasn't the only one.  "You idiots, life support on the Ark is failing!  That's why the brought us down here!  They need to know that the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there.  If you take off your wristbands then you're killing them!  You're killing us."

        Bellamy stood up against Clarke, "We're stronger than you think.  Don't listen to her, she's one of the privileged.  If they come down she'll have it good.  How many of you could say the same?  We can take care of ourselves.  That wristband on your arm, it makes you a prisoner!  We are not prisoners anymore!  They say they'll forgive your crimes, I say you're not criminals!  You're fighters, survivors, the grounders should worry about us!" His strong words caused for many people to cheer and agree.  Now Clarke's speech seemed like nothing.  Knowing she was defeated at the moment, she stalked off.

        What will happen now?

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