Rebel Determination Part 2

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      Risks: exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance

        What may seem childish and easy to some people sometimes seem rebellious and risky to me.  The word risk is not in my vocabulary at all.  Neither are many things as many I've already stressed enough.  But I felt something stir in me.  A desire to break the rules, to expose chaos.  To just be risky for once.

        As Atom was too busy with Octavia, who will be pissed at me for this, I started following the footprints from the them.  Nobody paid attention to me as I was silent and small enough.  Stepping out of the campgrounds felt unsettling but at the same time I felt giddy.  I'm actually doing this, I'm actually doing this by myself.  Ignoring the danger lurking in the woods, I continued to watch the footprints underneath me.  There were multiple, but I decided to just follow a certain pair.  Defiantly a girl, Clarke. 

        I continued following the footsteps in a slow manner, ignoring my surroundings completely.  But my pace must've been too fast as I stumbled across the rescue group.  In panic, I jumped behind a tree making some sticks crack under my boots.  Squinting my eyes down at the ground, I crossed my fingers in a short prayer.  Hoping that they would think it was just a careless animal.  Clearly, they didn't hear it as Bellamy's booming voice interrupted the silent atmosphere.  Peaking behind the tree, I notice Finn's long hair coming out of the valley of greens.  A couple seconds later they all left in groups.  Clark and Finn, and Bellamy, Wells, and Murphy at another.

        Sighing happily, I pressed myself against the tree.  Breathing heavily from me holding in my breath.  The fear of being caught dissolved into nothing as I smiled at the sky.  After a moment it felt childish to do so and ridiculous- but I'm not like everybody else.  This rush that I'm feeling is uncharted territory for me.  But it felt amazing, natural, and sneaky.  I loved it.

        But then I realized that plans sometimes never go as planned.

        Which is what happened when I saw someone emerge from a bush.


         My head throbbed and my eyes ached from the sunlight hitting on them.  I moved my hands to try to block it, but my hands suddenly jerked back to their original position on my lap.  Slightly frowning, with my eyes still shut,  I tried to pry my hands far away from each other.  But only felt itchy rope digging itself into my wrists.  My temples felt like they were on fire as I slowly fluttered my eyes open.  Bright colors invaded my vision, and tiny black dots grouped into view like a swarm of bugs.

        Blinking rapidly I digested to situation I was in.  My hands were tied together tightly, and just now I could feel the jagged bark digging into my back- rope was also wrapped around my stomach tying me to the tree.  I could see it's wacky branches sprouting around me, but I can't see what's above me. 

        Groaning, I drop my head, seeing the faded blood droplets stained on my shirt.  I remembered clearly what happened when I was knocked out and what happened before that but I felt embarrassed by the way I was defeated.  Now here I was tied up to a tree against my will.  Slumping across the tree I tried to remember how my life seemed less chaotic when I was on the Ark.  It wasn't all rainbows and ponies, but the Ark had rules, boundaries, everything was known and predictable.  Everyone knew everything that went on.  Gossip was a favorite sport for everyone to participate in.  But here everything is unforeseeable, different, and risky.  It was a thrill ride.  But once you got on it you regret it at certain times.

        I sat in silence, trying to look at my surrounding a little bit more.  But my eyes ached for being open too long.  Especially since everything around me was a vibrant color except the brown dirt.  Sooner rather than later, my eyes already felt like bricks were weighing them down as my head dropped down suddenly making me jerk fiercely.  My body was so tired and mentally and physically done, regret and guilt for leaving the camp itching across my pale skin.  Now that I think about it, my skin should darken from being out in the sun for so long.

        Maybe thirty minutes or a hour, but I was done.  With that my eyelids closed like the closing curtains after a play or movie.

        His dark eyes scanned my body, down and up, as I did to him.  He was tan, bulky, and mysterious looking.  Black paint clouded over his sweating-glistening skin, making him look haunted and ore frightening.  Heavy clothing was thrown across his body that made him look heavier and muscular.  Gulping, I already could tell it was no one from our group.  A grounder.

        A grounder glaring in front of me with shiny object in his hand.

        Gulping down my nerves, I backed away from his steaming glare.  A certain look swirling in his iris's.  It made me feel uncertain and unsafe.  The tree's bark digging itself into my back roughly yet I keep trying to melt my way into it's cracks.  Hoping to disappear to the other side, away from his gaze.  An tormenting silence washed over us with thick tension, and swallowing my fears, I croaked out a simple world, "Hi."

        As if a switch was flipped, a small battle cry escaped his chapped lips.  It wasn't a yell nor a whisper- more like in between.  His glowing knife swinging towards my head.  Staring at the object with absolute fear, I kept my gaze on it as I threw myself to his feet.  May not have been the best move, but at least the knife wasn't lodged into my head yet.  Yet.  The Grounder almost tripped over me as he swung into the thin air.  I knew I had nothing to do but die but the least I could do was do something.  In fear and panic, I dropped a fist onto his toes. 

        It was an act that a five year old would do to a ten year old.  Hoping that it would affect them somehow.  Yet this well-trained soldier didn't seem fazed by my childish act.  With that, I felt the back of the knife connect to the back of my head. 

        I thought about Octavia's beautiful green eyes,  the man's icy blue eyes, and this grounder's possessed brown eyes.  I would've thought that I would've thought about Bellamy's devious dark brown eyes.  Nothing of him.  Only that I wish I had a knight and shining armor to save me at this moment. 

        With that, I pictured Bellamy strolling with shining metal armor, the sunlight reflecting off of it, making him look dashing and proper.  But all I could see was black, and having the acknowledgment of having no savior.

        My eyes jerked open as my ears perked up to hear a loud moaning sound coming from near me.  Squinting my eyes, I try to decipher where it came from.  But all I could focus on was how dead-like they were.  Like a wounded animal

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