Guilty Pleasure

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        I heard shouting and yelling hidden underneath the thick blanket of trees.  I've noticed a body hanging near me, more up the tree though.  My neck wasn't able to crane towards the figure, but I could tell that it was either a male or a dying animal that was near dying.  I felt helpless as I continued to hear the whimpers being drawled out all around me.

        Suddenly, five bodies enter my site.  All of them having familiar faces.  Their eyes were trained up the tree instead of me.  "Jasper?" Clarke called out to him, jogging to reach the tree.  One second she was there the next her body was falling down in a deep trap.  I closed my eyes, not prepared to hear the last noise Clarke would ever make.  I squinted until I could feel my eyelashes touching my eyebrows, when the deep creases on my forehead were wrinkling.  But no sounds of agony or heartbreak were made.  Opening one eye, I saw Finn grabbing tightly on Clarke's arm, biting his lip in concentration.  Everyone helps pull them up except for Murphy, who was watching his surroundings like a hawk.

        But when I felt his cold, deceiving, and soulless eyes carving themselves into my cheek I knew Murphy found me tied against the tree helplessly.  His lips twisted into a vicious smirk, his whole face gave off an amused yet curious look as his eyebrows shot upwards towards his hairline.  "Well, well, well.  It looks like the kitten wandered off and got into some trouble."  With everyone's attention on Murphy, he nods towards my tied up figure.  "Looks like we need to keep a leash on her."  I could do nothing and he knew it, but I settled for glaring my gray eyes at him.

        "Kitten?" Bellamy called out, anger sketched on his face as clear as day.  Anybody could see how stressed and tired he was, yet he was trying to act strong and brave- exactly how being a guardsmen is all about.  He would've been great, loyal, smart if Octavia wasn't caught, and he was forced to be downgraded into being a janitor.  Walking with long strides, he came right in front of me.  Bending down right in front of my face, he lightly touched my blood-stained spot on my blonde hair.  I hissed in pain, his touch made my head feel like it was on fire and dissolving.  He quickly withdrew his hand.  "What the hell happened?"

        His voice was loud and intimidating, demanding for an answer.  No bullshit just the truth.

        Finn and Murphy tried to get Jasper down near me, and I could hear their faint huffs of exhaustion and sadness.  I wonder what Jasper looked like currently.  I mean, he did get hit with a spear in the middle of his chest.  Here I was, moaning and groaning about me getting hit in the head once.  I huffed exhaustively as Bellamy started to cut away at the ropes constricting me to the tree,  "A grounder attacked me from behind." I lied, blushing slightly at the thought of what happened.  If Bellamy knew what I did my head would be mounted on a stick.

        He never answered, just concentrated on cutting the ropes without slicing me.  A slight ruffle in the bushes made Clarke and Wells perk up their heads in alert.  Nobody seemed to have heard the little movement, but Wells voice alerted everyone, "What the hell was that?"

        Our heads peaked up, turning left and right in panic.  "Grounder?" Bellamy asked curiously, his hand clutching his knife tightly.  It was like a black bullet running towards us in hunger.  It's feline yellow eyes glared at us as it ran in slow motion, heading to the closest ones possible.  Bellamy and me. 

        "Shoot Bellamy!" Clarke yelled out to him, staring wide-eyed as the large cat continued going at us.  I could see in the corner of my eye Bellamy searching and digging in his pants yet he always came up short.  I would've stressed over the fact that Bellamy lost the gun, but my whole body was frozen with fear.  The only thing that wasn't blurry in my eyesight was it's eyes.  They were blurry also from the constant movement, yet I could still see the hunger and wild look swarming in it's eyes that sent chills down my spine.

        Shots fired but they weren't from Bellamy.  In Wells' hand held Bellamy's gun, shooting out our only ammo.  His aim was horrible but it was alright for a beginner; or at least I'm assuming he is a beginner.  The feline roared in anger as the bullets grazed it's sleek black fur.  It jumped into the near bushes, rustling around slightly.  My hand instinctively clutched onto Bellamy's arm, frightened at the close proximity it was to us. 

        I had no time to react nor did Bellamy, it leaped towards up as fast as the wind blows.  We were fortunate when luck kicked in at that moment.  Wells shot the feline in a fatal area, killing it midair.  No words can describe the first death-experience that anyone has.  It's unforgettable.  The constant thoughts of fearing of the other ways this moment could've gone.  Unforgettable.  Almost as frightening as dying.

        Bellamy shot his head up to Wells after he continued to shoot blanks at the dead animal.  "She sure as hell see's you now."

        Not bothering to question it, I closed my eyes in silence as Bellamy continued to cut me free. 

        The walk back to the camp was surprisingly faster than I assumed.  Maybe it was the constant groans from Jasper's still body, the bad smell of a dead feline roaming around us, or the awkward silence that no one dares to break.  I was in the back, rubbing my sore wrists, that were now free.  Bellamy and Murphy were carrying the "new meal", while Wells and Finn were carefully.  We got to camp around nightfall, the faint glow from the fire made myself sigh in relief.  I couldn't wait to fall asleep.

        Right away, Clarke started barking orders.  Nobody complained since someone's life was on the line; hanging by a thread.  I watched as Murphy and Bellamy set down the feline in order to let everyone else see their "prize."  With a smug smirk, Bellamy shouted, "Who's hungry!"

        The crowd went wild, their stomachs' speaking for themselves.  I stared at the dead animal, wondering what it would taste like.  Meat wasn't exactly a normal thing to eat on the Ark since animals took up too much oxygen.  An arm swung itself over my shoulder, and I looked aside me to see Octavia's gleeful smile directed towards Bellamy.  She squeezed my shoulders before hugging her brother.  All signs of anger that was once there was gone without a trace.  I wonder what happened while we were all gone.

        As the guys started to cut open the cat, I grabbed Octavia's arm.  I wanted to apologize yet I was kind of mad at the same time.  She acted as if I never left the camp.  It hurt.  I'm sounding selfish, but sometimes you just have to be selfish to see things brighter.

        Octavia didn't budge as I dragged her a few feet away from everyone else.  But they were all too focused on their meal instead of us.  "What happened to you?" I asked her right away, mentioning her bright and carefree smile.

        Her smile dropped and an instant frown was formed on her face.  Stormy green eyes stared into my irregular gray eyes, "Where were you?" She bit back.
        "I asked you first!" I whisper-yelled frustrated.  I was tired, cranky, and hungry.  The way Octavia was acting was unreasonable.

        With the same amount of frustration I was sharing, she yelled, "If you can't even tell me where you went then why should I tell you?  I was worried sick about you.  Wondering where the hell you were, if a grounder kidnapped you, or even if you were dead in some ditch.  You're the closest friend I have, and I was worried that I lost you.  Apparently that wouldn't be too bad now."

        Her words hit me like a ton knives barreling at me.  I stared wide-eyed at her, trying to register her words faster.  "Octavia," I said softly, sighing through my nose, "I left because I was mad at your brother-"

        "I was mad too!  But I didn't leave you!"

        "Octavia!" I yelled, "I left knowing you would be safe.  You had Atom, Bellamy's little group of friends, and you had a better chance of not being kidnapped than me.  I was knocked out by a grounder and ended up being tied up next to Jasper."
        "How'd he look?" She asked worriedly. 

        "Honestly, I'm just going to hope that Clarke does her doctor-y stuff and helps him, or else he's screwed."  She didn't say anything after that.  "What about you?  Who's making you smile so brightly that the sun envies you?"

        Her lips twitch up a bit, "Is it that noticeable?" I nodded slowly, offering a small smile.  "While you guys were gone, me and Atom kind of just had this moment." She mumbles, the color red painting over her cheeks and neck.  Octavia Blake was blushing.  An automatic smile was placed on her face, as if she was replaying the memory in her head.

        I smiled widely at her, happy that she found someone to share a connection with.  "Are you sure about him?  I mean, he is Bellamy's friend."

        "I know but I can't help but feel something different with him.  He isn't as insensitive as the other guys here.  With just a few hours I found myself lost in his brown eyes, and I don't think I ever want to look away.  I've never felt this way before.  It's scary yet magical."  That dreamy look on her face proved that she was daydreaming about Atom. 

        I clapped her on the shoulder, "I'm happy for you, Octavia.  You deserve it out of anybody here." Walking away, I stop after a few steps.  "Sorry for not telling you about me sneaking out."

        "Sorry for yelling at you.  I was just mad."  Sharing a smile, we both walk to the campsite together. 


        As soon as I saw what Bellamy was doing, making people take off their wristbands for food, made my stomach churn.  Even though I wanted this thing off, I wouldn't be doing it under somebody's order.  So instead of eating steaming meat, I decided to hunt for some berries or nuts.  It wasn't hard but the problem was I didn't know which ones were poisonous or not.  I should probably check them with Monty before eating them.

        After twenty minutes, I had a handful of berries and nuts.  I marked some trees with a few berries so that I could remember where I got them.  They may be resourceful.  As I continued to venture through the forest, trying to keep close to the camp, I saw a figure carrying a torch.  My stomach twisted and turned as my mind immediately jumped to the conclusion: grounder.  Warning bells chimed in my head as I took a step back.  With my luck, a twig snapped under my right foot.  Wincing, I saw the figure turn towards me.

        His dark hair was clamped to his forehead, and I could immediately recognize him at first sight.  Bellamy.

        "What are you doing here, Kitten?"  He asked, smirking.  He walked with long strides towards me.  "It's dangerous out here, especially with the grounders roaming around."

        "Call me Cat," I said, relieved that it was just Bellamy.

        He shook his head, a small smile on his face.  "Nah, Kitten sounds cute, just like you are."  I ignored his comment and stared at my feet.  "How'd you end up near Jasper?"

        My head shot up, looking at his dark brown eyes.  His freckles really showed as the fire lit up the side of his face.  "I, I followed you guys." I stuttered, trying to maintain eye contact.

        He rose an eyebrow, but I could tell he was trying to keep himself calm.  Breathing heavily through his nose he said, "Why would you do that?  You could've gotten yourself killed."  His voice raised a little bit and his face was contorted differently.

        "You ordered me around like I was your pet!  Along with everybody, you try to control us.  But I got news for you, buddy!  I'm finally free along with the rest of the 99 teenagers.  Even you're free from the Ark.  But no!  You try to ruin everything, you think you're doing everything right, but in fact, you make everything worse."

        "At least I know how to protect myself!"  I glared at him, knowing he was telling the truth.  He was infuriating.   Everything about him.  His eyes, skin, freckles, muscles, body, ear, nose, everything.  Just so unbelievable.  Biting my cheek, I swiftly turn around.  I could feel his stare on my back as I stormed in a random direction.  Anywhere would be better than standing near him.  "One last question!" He yelled out making me stop, but I didn't dare turn around.  "Why did you do it?"

        Turning around, I kept my face blank as I explained.  "I just wanted to get out of here, rebel against your rules.  I want to prove everyone wrong.  That I'm not some goody-two shoes that keeps quiet while war is going on.  I'm tired of being ordered around, I'm just sick of it!  I want to do something the Ark-Kitten wouldn't have done.  Now, I'm Grounder-Kitten."

        He rose an eyebrow, stepping forward.  "What would Grounder-Kitten do?" 

        "What were you doing out here, Bellamy?"  I hoped he didn't notice my change in subject, but I felt uncomfortable answering his question.

        "What, would, Grounder-Kitten, do?" He repeated, enclosing me against a tree.  His hot breath fanning over my flushed cheeks.  His breath smelt like meat; considering he just ate an abundant amount of a giant cat.  The torch was held far away from us, and his other hand was resting against the tree next to my head. 

        What would Grounder-Kitten do?  For the whole day I wanted to take risks.  So far that has ended up with me being tied up and almost ate for a feline's lunch.  Risks can either ruin everything or give a reward.  Lately, all I've been receiving are bites in the ass.  I wanted a reward.  I needed a reward.

        "I'm sick and tired of feeling powerless and useless.  I need to feel control, important, and passion.  Bellamy Blake, teach me."  I slammed my lips against his.  Enjoying the sweet taste of his smooth lips.

        I realized that there was no knights in shining armors.  No exploding fireworks whenever our lips touch.  This is not a fictional world.  Right now and right here, is reality.  

        When my lips continued to mold with his, I felt numb with enjoyment and nervousness.  My hands roamed up his firm chest and to his neck.  Wrapping my arms around his neck I tugged him forward.  Wanting more, needing more.  My lungs burned, gasping for air I didn't want to provide.  If I did it would end.  This moment would end and I don't want that. 

        But I was inexperienced, unlike Bellamy, and pulled away hesitantly.  My chest was heaving up and down as I continued to stare at his lips.  I felt guilty.  Guilty that I kissed Octavia's brother.


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