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Don't you

forget about me,

I'll be alone dancing

you know it baby,

going to take you apart,

I'll put us back together

at heart baby,

don't you

forget about me,

don't, don't,

don't, don't,

don't you

forget about me,

as you walk on by

will you call my name?"

-Simple Minds

        I walked back to the camp grounds after a while, my curiosity at it's breaking point as I joined everyone as we stared up at the shuttle flying through the starry, night sky.  We all huddled together in amazement.  Watching the shuttle shoot out a parachute suddenly, starting to slow down only to land soon.

        "They sent for help," I heard Bellamy speak up, and just like always, he was in the front as the leader.  Trying to contain myself from peeking at him, I kept my eyes trained on where we just saw the shuttle flying.  Questions filling my head like water in a cup.

        "Now we can kick some grounder ass!" Some boy shouted enthusiastically near me, practically looking like he was bouncing on his heels.  He managed to make everyone laugh in amusement as I chuckled.  Either in disbelief or amusement.  Why would they send a bunch of angry teenagers a bunch of weapons?  If anything, we'd rebel against the Ark and build a new society.

        "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." A girl's voice broke my thoughts.  She was gazing at the sky in a daze as she clutched onto her blanket tightly.  As if shampoo would just fall from the sky miraculously.  Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms stubbornly.  Staring up at the sky, I could only wish one thing: food.  My throat ached at the thought of eating the salty mashed potatoes and some dry carrots, something I once despised now made me want to drool.

        A sharp jab at the bottom of my spine made me swiftly crane my back to look behind me. "Her hair isn't the thing she should be worrying about if anything." It was the girl.  Her face was too close for comfort, her breath smelling like berries.  Biting my upper lip in discomfort, I shuffled a step back which made her smirk.  Her red hair was now left to hang down her shoulders, effortlessly looking beautiful despite it's dull color and ruthless tangle.

        Yet again ignoring her comment, I said, "Ever going to tell me your name?"

        Squinting her eyes on my face, she sighed before speaking.  "I rather like you not knowing it.  So, no."

        "Then I just won't talk to you again," I decided as I stared anywhere but her.  Already her bruised face permanent in my mind.  If I did that to her, why am I being such a hypocrite by what Bellamy did to Murphy?  I felt her still staring at me, deciding whether or not I'd keep to my words or not.

        We all stood there as still as the air, still in a sort of daze.  Hope, confusion, excitement, and some types agony ran through our minds as what happened just seeped into our thoughts.  The Ark had clearly sent down some type of help to us.  But the real question that everyone feared: what did they bring us?

Nobodies // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now