Unknown B*tch

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"Baby I'm a gangsta too
and it takes two to tango,

you don't want to dance with
dance with me,

honey I'm in love with you,

if you don't feel the same boy
you don't want to mess with me
mess with me,


cuz' I'm a jealous, jealous, jealous girl,

if I can't have you baby,
if I can't have you baby,

jealous, jealous, jealous girl,

if I can't have you baby
no one else in this world can."
-Lana Del Rey

        The excruciating pain from the wristband snapping off my wrist wasn't affecting me as badly as I thought it would.  My emotions battling each other was distracting me from the stinging pain covering my arms.  Afterwards they felt numb and lifeless, leaving a sensation unbearable and my toes curled.  I didn't want this to happen, it was all Clarke's idea.  I didn't even have time to utter a single word until my wristband was plucked off of me without my consent.  As much as I hate to admit it currently, I felt vulnerable without the hunk of metal weighing me down.  It feels marvelous to be finally free from the Ark's suffocating grasp.  This helps with my new plans to become the new me, to depend on no one but me.

        I stepped out of the drop ship carelessly, no one didn't even notice.  Rolling my eyes mentally, I breathed in the welcoming fresh air outside.  The aroma around me smelt like fire, unidentified meat, fresh rain, and, unnervingly, death.  I furrowed my eyebrows as I swept away the thought of death.  Instead I enjoyed the sun shining down on my frizzy blonde-hair, sleep depressed grey eyes, and pale skin.

        Despite the events occurring today, the corners of my mouth tugged upwards for a short period of time, disappearing not long after.  I could feel them stretching tightly, and I immediately ran my tongue over them desperately.  The bitter taste of rusty-metal swiped across my taste buds.  Over the past few hours my lips have become somewhat chapped from dehydration.  We had to use our resources carefully or face the immediate problem of dying without them.  I intended to do use them carefully, and I could only hope other people will too.  Also in fear that I would have to face the wrath of Murphy's poisoning spit flying towards me if I used too much.  His piercing blue eyes judging my every movement like a wolf picking out the pack's weakling.

        Everyone was contributing to the building of our new wall that was supposed to barricade ourselves away from the grounders.  Or even other threats.  Now that we know about our neighbors, who knows what's out there.  I didn't really agree with the whole idea.  I was supposed to feel more safe knowing that they couldn't attack us, but really I felt suffocated and boxed in like a lab rat.  They could get us easier in a way our "leaders" were blind to notice.  But everyone, including me, are too scared to go against Bellamy's orders.  Also, I guess either way there's always a con with every choice.  Either way they could get us.

        Ignoring our current relationship with each other, I never want to cross the Bellamy everybody thinks he is.  I've been fortunate enough to only have seen his cold reputation being targeted towards someone else other than me.  He was already intimidating enough. 

        Comparing us would be like seeing a deer standing next to a monstrous tiger. 

        Despite his harsh demeanor towards everybody else, I only knew "the sexual and vulnerable Bellamy" the most.  That was the one I've dealt with the most.  Licking my lips at the thought, my eyes snapped towards where he was immediately.  It was pure luck that I found him camouflaged with the working bodies flocking around him.  He was off with Murphy on the sidelines, talking quietly to each other.  By his posture I could tell he was uncomfortable or just plain annoyed by Murphy, his body was stiff and his face was stone-cold. 

        But my imagination traveled to the unthinkable as my mind wandered off.  My slim hands traveling down his chiseled chest.  Small goosebumps rising on his delicate yet rough tan-skin, like small fairy kisses.  Him groaning uncontrollably as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, a thin line of sweat lining above them.  The view of his back muscles moving sexily and drool-worthy, a way that makes every girl cling to his legs like leeches.  Including me now.  Pink, taunting lips haunted by his teeth constantly biting on them as he slid into me without a problem.  My legs, back, and arms trembling underneath him, shaking with lust and pleasure.  A familiar sensation bubbling in my stomach as he pumped beautifully and skillfully.  Now knowing my secret locks and spots as I knew his too. 

        It was like the chocolate sold on the Ark.  Hard to find, hard to savor, and it leaves you craving for more.

        Breathing deeply, I closed my eyes to try to control my imagines that were running through my mind.  Seeing the way he looks, I decide not to bother him.  But I continue to watch as Bellamy stood up to Murphy, who was apparently teasing a boy who fell down a second ago from exhaustion and dehydration.  With my eyes trained on him I slowly drifted to the person who was by him, little miss Charlotte.  She was working harder than some of the older people, making a sense of admiration swell in my chest.  I remembered chatting with her a while ago, but other than that day we haven't had the chance to talk properly.  It was clear to me that they were close and it didn't surprise me that much.  Knowing his relationship with Octavia, he's had a lot of practice with handling and caring for younger girls.

        "Is it just me or isn't he incredibly hot?" A mysterious girl whispered in my ear, her voice low and had a suggestive tone to it.  My head snapped to her voice, surprised by her sudden motive to talk to me.  I bit my lips as I combed my blonde locks with my fingers, but immediately stopping after tearing through many knots.

        Ignoring her question, I fired back, "Who are you?"  She was leaning on a tree beside me, her arms crossed protectively in front of her medium-sized chest.

        She had dull brown hair that was pulled back into a high ponytail, little strands sticking to her face.  She had a small face with a long nose, dotted with almost invisible freckles.  Her devious brown eyes were trained onto Bellamy's moving figure, who seemed to have saw us chatting as he passed by.  Giving a curt nod to us, his eyes lingered on both of us before going on his way.  Mentally, I was wracking my brain for reasons why he stared at the girl beside me longer than needed.  After a second I erased my thoughts, I had no reason to get that certain emotion that was currently boiling inside of me.  Jealousy.

        Raising her eyebrow at me, almost challenging, she snarled slightly, "What's the problem, not liking a bit of competition?"

        I ignored her presence and her words, and turned around to walk away from this unknown girl.  But her hand grasped my arm tightly, holding me in my place frozen in shock.  She was a lot stronger than she looked.  "What's wrong Kitten, cat got your tongue?"

        Snapping my head back at her, I could barely see the plastic smirk planted across her face as my blonde locks whipped across my face.  Gripping her hand that was latched onto my arm, I roughly tore it off of me, throwing it back to her side.  "That's the best you got?  Insulting me because of my name?  Only someone like you would comeback with something like that."  I hissed venomously.  I didn't take people using my name teasingly very lightly.  Not only was it hurtful and disrespectful, but every time just hurt worse than the last.

        "You're picking off the wrong petals on the flower, Goldilocks.  You better watch your back, not all of us are saints here."

        Rolling my eyes, I tried to fight back the nervousness crawling up my spine hauntingly.  She wasn't very intimidating, nothing like Bellamy, but she was still bigger and broader than me.  "Looks like I'll just keep myself away from you then.  Sound fair?"  I continued with my walking, going to find Octavia to bitch about this.. bitch!

        Twigs cracked under my stomps as I stormed away from the girl who had a hurricane flowing out of her mouth by now.  She didn't let me go with ease as she cautioned me, "Have fun distancing yourself away from me.  It'll just give me time to snuggle up next to Bellamy."  Wincing slightly, she knew she hit a trigger.  "What?  I heard he'll sleep with any girl under any circumstances.  I mean, he's already slept with tons of other girls.  Whose to think a girl like you would tie down a beast like him?  Why would he even go for a girl like you?  Get over your little crushy-wushy, Goldilocks.  We're on the ground now, not in your lonesome, little cell."

        I stormed away before she could continue any longer.  She didn't deserve to beat me down like that with her extremely harsh words.

Hello all my lovely viewers! <3
After the Official Meeting, I realized I didn't pay up to my words.  This chapter is not long nor descriptive, and I feel ashamed from it honestly.  Usually I don't feel this way, but I just don't like this one. 
It's mainly a filler on what's happening with Kitten's emotions and her opinions and it's not very good.
But other than that, the mystery girl, who's name will be revealed, is also a major character.  I didn't really think it was a good idea to put her in the story but then I though 'nah, who cares.  I need a bitch in this story.'
Please comment or heart it, it means so much to me whenever I see the little red box thingy in the corner!

Nobodies // Bellamy Blakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें