Andy Biersack

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Hi guys! Sorry for lying and not updating, something always came up when I was going to update. In this story pretend you and Andy are still in school. Anyways, here's a Andy Biersack story. Enjoy. ~Horror

(Y/n) POV

My geometry teacher passed down our tests. We studied Conditional Statement, so now we're talking the test. It was a very easy subject, so I knew I'd pass.

"Alright, you may begin," my geometry teacher said. I grabbed my pencil and started. But 5 minutes into the test, a folded piece of paper was thrown at my desk. I looked to my right and saw my friend Andy looking at me then the paper. I took the paper and slowly opened it. It said hi. I gave him my 'really?' look. He tried to hold in his laugh. I wrote back hi. (I'm going to skip the back and forth dialogs)
A: How are you?
(Y/n): I'm good. You?
A: I'm good.
(Y/n): That's good. What do you want? Cuz I know you want or need something
A: Well you see...I need one thing and want one thing
(Y/n): What?
A: I need the answer for #4
(Y/n): Andy really? This will probably be one of the easiest tests we'll ever take in this class
A: Please?!
(Y/n): No
A: Fine. Who needs you.
(Y/n): Okay then goodbye.
A: No. I'm sorry I need you.
(Y/n): Mhmm...
A: No, I'm serious. Here's my 'want'
(Y/n): Kay
A: I want you to go on a date with me.
(Y/n): W-what? Really?
A: Yeah. I really like you. And sorry for telling you like this
(Y/n): It's okay. At least I know you like me. And I can say I like you back
A: Whoa! Really? Yay!
(Y/n): lol. So where are we going?

After I wrote that, I passed back the note, but the teacher caught us.

"Passing answers are we?" She said and grabbed the paper. She caught the attention of the classmates, while she read the note to herself. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Andy. Andy blinked nervously.

"So? Where are you taking her?" She asked. I smiled slightly. Andy stared at her in shock.

"Well I was thinking the fair this weekend," he replied.

"Very well," she said and gave back the note," have fun." Then the bell rung. She collected our tests and I walked out the took with Andy.

*skip to the weekend at fair*

I was holding Andy's hand as we stood waiting in line to buy our wristbands. It was finally our turn and Andy bought the wristbands. I insisted on paying mine, but Andy refused. We walked around holding hands until we got to a booth with a giant panda. (lol sorry I had too)

"Oh  my god! Andy look at the panda!" I said and pointed at it. Andy smiled and took money from his wallet and gave it to the booth guy. Then the booth guy gave him four balls. Andy took them and threw one at the bottles. He knocked down three. He tried again, and he knocked down the three remaining. I smiled.

"So what do you want sir?" the booth guy asked Andy.

"Umm I'll take the giant panda," Andy replied. The man nodded and grabbed the panda and gave it to Andy. Andy turned to face me and gave me the panda.

"Thank you," I said and took the panda.

"So where do you want to go now?" He asked.

"Ferris Wheel?" I said.

"Sure," Andy said and we walked to the Ferris Wheel. Surprisingly, the line wasn't too long, so we got on pretty fast. We sat down and I held Andy's hand.

"Umm are you scared?" Andy asked.

"Kind of," I said with a chuckle. Andy let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder. I hugged the panda tight, as we got to the top and stopped. I turned to look at Andy and he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked self-conscious.

"Nothing. You're just so beautiful," he said. I looked down, blushing.

"You also look beautiful when you blush," he said. I smiled and looked at him. We stared at each others eyes. Andy leaned in and so did I. We closed closed our eyes and our lips touched. Our lips moved at the same pace. He broke the kiss.

"I love you. I know it's too soon but we've been friends for 12 years and I've loved you since then," he said. I smiled.

"I love you too since day one," I said. He smiled slightly.

"Well maybe day two, because on day one you were hyper," I said. He laughed and pecked my lips.

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