Chapter 30 (Roar;)

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Chapter 30

Fighting the urge to pat myself on the back for that genius joke, I tiredly looked for entertainment. As far as I'm concerned, a hospital is ten times better then a stupid cave. I need to start focusing on finding a home and source of income. The whole Tarzan and Jane act has to end at one point or another.

Throwing my legs over the side of the mattress, I stumbled onto my feet and made my way to the door.

These white walls remind me of a asylum.

Not cool.

Slowly twisting the loudest freaking doorknob of the century, I checked for any nurses before sprinting down the hall. Probably not the best low key technique, but whatever floats your boat right?

The halls seemed endless and kept twisting and turning before I caught a glance of an area that appeared to be the waiting room. At this point, I'm high off adrenaline and my arm is numb to I simply pull the gown sleeve down and hide the rest of my arm behind my back. I probably even look more like a terrorist then a injured patient. Pulling my shoulders back and avoiding everyone's curious gaze, I locked eyes with a certain little ray of sunshine.

Operation steal the kid, now commences.

Pasting a fake smile on my face, I grabbed the little 3 year old girl's hand and pretended to be her sister. It's not like I was going to actually take her home or anything like that cause I definitely hate kids. But this could be my only chance to get rid of any hovering suspicion,

Ignoring my disgust, I firmly kept hold of her hand, ignoring her confused expression. "Macy?! There you are! Mom has been looking all over for you!" The whole fake name business was luckily overlooked when she heard the word mommy and began to jump up and down.

Kids are psycho.

The nurses at the counter spared us a satisfied grin before returning to her work. It wasn't until one word screwed up my plans.


The mother looked at my hand and her daughter with caution before walking over in confusion. "Sorry if Heather was nothing you, she was supposed to wait at the bathroom." My eyes snapped over to the nurse as her eyebrows scrunched into confusion and I spared the mom a nasty look.

"Keep the mutt on a leash next time."

Without even waiting for her response, I bolted to the door, aware of the screaming chaos left behind me.

Hospitals are shit.

My bare feet slapped the concrete sidewalk as I blindly headed forward. I wasn't looking forward and suddenly I was falling onto my butt. My knees were scraped and my arm screamed in pain when I felt the full impact.

The last think I heard was a voice screaming at me before It all went black.

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