Next Day (roar;) 16

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Next Day

Who could I afford to lose?

My best friend or my first mate?

Once I got discharged from the hospital, I made sure to ignore both of them. Living at Sam's house had proved to be difficult but after a week went by without me talking to him, he got the hint. Cole has constantly tried to contact me and each phone call was like a blow to my heart. Since he was the alpha, he had information on all of his pack members, including phone numbers. It became so bad that I just ended up letting my phone die and I refuse to charge it. Listening to his heart breaking apologizes on my voice mail seemed to break my resolve every time. But I owed it to them, to make a decision on who should be my mate. Leading them both on would just complicate things and make my feelings unclear.

Slowly getting off my bed, I crept towards my door and cautiously opened it. My sensitive ears picked up Sam's movement in the kitchen. Tip toeing, I raced down the stairs and settled into a crawl as I tried to pass the kitchen without being caught.

Of course, when I saw a shadow hovering over me, my spine stiffened. A throat clearing had me slowly looking up into his narrowed eyes. The pain and anger filled in them made me want to cry.

I cautiously stood up and stared down at the floor. Feeling electricity shoot up my arms when he grabbed my hands.

"Rayne please don't shut me out, it's killing my wolf and I to be away from our mate."

A salty, tear ran down my cheek before I let out a gut-retching sob and launched myself into his arms. His lean body mashed against mine and his strong arms pulled me in even tighter. We both knew that this wasn't me making a decision. But just the warmth of the embrace brought comfort and I knew, no matter what, I couldn't lose my best friend.

Pulling away from me, he clasped his hands onto my shoulders,

"I will always be there for you but if you want me to wait any longer, than I at least have to be in a separate house. Before I do something that I might regret."

Placing a kiss onto my forehead, he gave me a light squeeze before letting go and walking out the door. I sank down to my knees and stared at the door. The air seemed colder and my heart felt heavy,

it's hard being alone.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started to dial Cole's number.


Sam's face flashed into my mind and I reluctantly pressed cancel. Maybe I need to be alone, because I owe it to them, to choose. Waiting isn't going to make it less painful.

I'm going to have to let one of them go.

But who?


Hi cans!

Team Sam or Team Cole?

vote, comment and follow plz!

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