Wrong answer...

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I knocked on his office door twice. The noise was pretty nice. The knock off of the hard wooden door was quiet and soft.
"Come in." His voice sounded like a mumble because how thick the door was.
I clenched on to the metal door handle and pushed it down with no effort. It felt cold on the palm of my hand. I walked into the room and saw him sitting at his desk concentrating on working. As soon as I entered his face lit up and he smiled. The aftershave hit me like a hug and I was grateful for it. I automatically smiled.

"Why are you so cheery?" He laughed through his concentration face.
"What are you doing?" I gently swung the door shut behind me.
I pushed my back against it and the cold sent a giant shiver down my spine. My body jerked against it. He looked back up fast and frowned.
"Are you okay love?" He smiled.
"The door is freezing! You have no idea Oliver."
I walked towards him and pouted my lips in front of his face, he kissed me quick. His lips were warm, are soft. I collapsed on his love chair. I lay my head on the arm rest, it was slightly warm still like someone had just been in.

"Who was in last?" I looked up at the ceiling staring at the marks on the ceiling, so many weird dark spots.
"It was um, um I forgot their name..." He placed his hand on his forehead and then rubbed his eyes.
"I think it was.." He started rummaging through the paper work.
"He is a new guy, you might've Seen him actually," he started working again.
"Light brown, scruffy hair. Decent height, manly and slightly muscular."
I just stared at him blankly, I don't know who he is talking about.
"Come on, he has eyes like mine, manly features?" He started gesturing.
"Walker! That's it. That's the one, he only came like yesterday." He smiled like he was pleased with himself for remembering.
"I don't know of him, I guess I was busy doing other things." I laughed, he looked at my eyes and just smirked.

"What you have been possibly been doing, I hate to remind you this an insane asylum. Insane, let me emphasize that, INSANE."

I scowled at him.
"Not that your insane, love.." he knew he was skating on thin ice and he was trying to fix his mistake fast.

"So you think i'm insane Oliver?" I said it in that way, you know the you've made a mistake, answer this wrongly and you will regret it way. The way your wife says it when you forget her birthday or to take out the trash, yeah that way.

"Did I say you were insane?"

Wrong answer...

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