"I'll be your Doctor until you are...better."

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I slowly walked in and saw a man sitting on the chair I was sitting on earlier. He still sat forward facing the other side of the room.
"Sister, I would prefer if you let me choose my clients, I can't just work with anyone." A manly voice complained.
"Do you want to still have a job here?" She snapped.
I felt a strong tension in the atmosphere, he didn't like her and she sure as hell didn't like him. I walked in and she slammed the door behind me. She pointed at him and told me to stand. He looked at me and his frown started to smile, he looked up and down my body. I started to laugh. She sat in her chair. 

"Stand missy! Up straight!" She barked.
He put his hand up as to say "shut up". He stood up slowly and pulled his chair to the side.
"Ladies get to sit down." He gestured for me to sit down as he smugly smirked.
I sat down and smiled at him. Sister was not happy.
"Okay, Dita this is your new psychiatrist Dr. Oliver Thredson." She sighed.
He was like a gentleman, he smiled at me and stood tall beside me. He was so handsome. Sleek hair with a clean shave. He had huge brown eyes with glasses that complimented them. His lips were almost perfection, mines would look good with them. I started to get butterflies. His smile was so sweet and sincere.
"Doctor, can you help me?" I asked.
"I'll be your doctor until you are...better." He said smirking looking up and down my body. I quickly closed my legs and fixed my dress. I stood up and he pulled the chair away like a gentleman. I smiled and walked to the door. He pushed in the chair and followed.
"Stop." Jude squealed. 

I flipped my head around and she opened a drawer in her desk. She pulled out a dirty rag.
"Here, this is your new clothes." She laughed.
"I am not wearing that." I sighed.
"Yes, yes you are." She said standing up and sliding her rod on the table.
"Like I will you crazy bitch." I shouted.
She ran to the edge of the desk before Oliver could stop her.
"Stop sister! I will take this into my hands lay off and sit down. Continue with other paper work, I will take Mrs Monsoon into my office and we will.. Talk." He explained calmly.
"Fine." She sighed. She sat back down slowly as we started to leave. I wrapped my arm around his and we left. 

"Okay, Mrs Monsoon if you want to be able to sit down I suggest you don't pull anything like that again. However I like you, I hate that crazy bitch. She hates me also. I will get this in the bin and buy you a new dress, nothing fancy but it will at least be clean, I will buy two and dry clean one of them each day. You'll be fine. I am here." He said sweetly. I looked into his deep eyes.
"Thank you."

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