"I would kill for a.."

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(A couple weeks later)
"I need to get out of this room Oliver. I am going to gouge my eyes out. It's so white in here. I would kill for a bath, a long deep hot bath. Just to soak my naked body in just for half an hour," I dropped something on the floor purposely and bent down to get it slowly and slutty.
"Or longer but I would have to be kept...busy." I smiled.
"There is nothing I can do Dita. I can try and get you a bath, but you did get yourself in here. I will get you out soon, I promise."
I sat on his lap and he held my waist.
"I just want to feel clean again." I sighed.
"I am just glad to see you are safe. The swelling has gone quite well but still some bruising but I'm glad to see that you can still move and bend again." He giggled.
"When will I be aloud back in the common room?" I asked.
"Do you really want to go back?" He laughed.
"When the bruising is completely away, Jude doesn't want all the patients to know about happened with you and that monster."
"He isn't a monster, I deserved it I used him for sex." I looked at the ground embarrassed.
"Look at me, look at me" he said.
"You made a mistake don't punish yourself for your feelings. Everyone makes mistakes."
"You do know I am very grateful for all of this Oliver, the room, the protection everything I am grateful for you. I hope you know that."
"You don't need to," he took my hand.
"Don't be grateful I just want you to be safe.." He kissed it.
"What time is it?" I asked.
He moved his wrist to look at his watch.
"Five, dinner will be in half an hour. Would you want a bath at eight?" He asked.
I knelt on the floor and placed my arms on his thighs.
"I don't care. I just want a bath please." I started to kiss his thighs whilst rubbing my hands up and down his legs.
"I'll get you one. Whenever you want, whatever you want babe I swear." He groaned.
I unzipped his fly with my teeth. He kept sucking his stomach in. He undid his belt and I shoved his shirt up. 
"I'll show you how much I care." I laughed.
"Oh shit yes, please." He added.

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