"Can we do this?"

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We stood there in a tight embrace. He was very strong. He had such a strong manly fragrance on, it was mesmerizing.
"Do you want to dance?" He laughed still holding me.
"Dance?" I giggled.
"Yeah, moving around, getting sweaty." He said starting to sway from side to side.
"Can we do this?" I asked.
"Who's going to stop us an old slutty nun?" He laughed.
I looked at his eyes and he looked back. He smirked and pulled my body to the other side of the room and flicked the switch on the radio. A slow twenties track started. We started to get lost in the music, it's like we lost our souls and they just came together. We stopped and he placed his hands on my waist. I smiled.
"Place your hands on my neck." He whispered.
He lifted my hands and placed his back. He started to move his fingers as if he was playing me like a piano.
He put his head on my shoulders and snuggled into me. He was getting closer. He was humming in time with the music.
"Why? Why me?" I asked.
He looked up in shock.
"Why not you?" He said.
"I am a psycho? A murderer, a killer! I took someone's life. They are dead!" I cried.
He stopped and flicked the radio off. He sighed like he was sorta, almost disappointed.
"Things aren't the same in the public eye and also behind closed doors, everything changes one false move..and it's over for you." He said facing the floor.
He walked to the other side of his desk and sat down on his leather chair. He opened his desk drawers and pulled out an old black and white photo of a young beautiful girl. Around twenty or so. She was posing nude with only a pillow to hide everything. She was smiling she seemed very happy.
"See this woman." He said.
"Let me guess she is your old girlfriend or something." I sighed in jealousy.
"No, I shouldn't be doing this, however it's too late now. I need to tell you, it would be rude for me not to now," he grinned he pretended like it was an accident.
"An old client. She was so sweet and she had a great sense of humour however she killed her whole family, her children, her mother, her husband."

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