Chapter 1

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Hi, you have probably heard of me my name is Isabella DeLaGarza but most people just call me Bea, think you have heard the name before, yeah I am related to Madison and if you haven't figured it out by now Demi Lovato is my sister, but this story is not about them, this story is about me.

"Wake up Bea!" I wake up to see Maddie shaking me awake, looking frustrated

"Mads it's like 8:00 why the fuck are you waking me up?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes

"Because Demi's coming home today" Fuck. I forgot about that, don't get me wrong, I love Demi and all but she is always away and when she comes back she kind of just hangs out with Maddie and Dallas, and acts like I'm not there, at least that's what happened last time.

I pushed Maddie off my bed and went to my bathroom, I did my usual routine, shower, cut, stare at my fat in the mirror, get dressed same old, same old, don't tell Demi! I put on a baggy sweatshirt and some leggings and walked downstairs

"Morning Bea" my mom said happily as I entered the kitchen

"Morning mom" I grabbed an apple and walked back up to my room, I immediately threw the apple in the bin and waited ten minutes until walking back down.

"Babe, Demi will be here any minute go sit and wait for her with Maddie" I did as she asked and sure enough after 5 minutes Demi burst through the door, Maddie sprung off the couch and jumped on Demi

"Hey babygirl" I heard Demi say to her

"Dems I missed you so much" Maddie replied with

"Hello Isabella" Demi said sounding like she didn't want to see me, like she was disappointed and shocked

"Hi Demetria" I walked back up to my room, shut and locked the door, I collapsed on my bed and started to cry, my own sister didn't want to see me, I am worthless

"Cut, Cut, Cut"

"even Demi hates you"

I give up I can't take it anymore I ran into my bathroom and grabbed my razor, I dragged it across my skin once, twice, and so on. I watched mesmerized by the blood that was trickling down my arm. I heard a knock at the door and I quickly cleaned up my cuts and pulled my sleeve down, I opened the door and saw Demi standing in front of me.

"What do you want" I spat at her

"I want to see my baby sister"

"Then why were you disappointed to see me downstairs"

"I wasn't disappointed Isabella"

"yes you were, and for the love of god call me Bea or Belle" I slammed the door in her face and locked it again I slid down it and started to cry. I sat there for a while until I could hear Mom yelling at Demi I snuck downstairs and listened to what they were saying

"Mom have you noticed any change in Isabella's behavior?"

"no Dem, she's been the same since you last were here, not that you took notice of her"

"Mom she seems really off, and upset, has she been eating?"

"Yes Demi, she eats every meal" I watched as Demi thought for a second

"I should have paid more attention to her last time, it's just I was so caught up in Maddie and Dallas, and I-I thought she was mad with me, I felt it impossible to be around her" I quickly ran up the stairs and went back to my bedroom.

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