+Chapter Twenty Four+

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Okay to make this clear because I feel very stupid right now; Julie didn't know they were werewolves, well, no it's not like she didn't know because she had heard them talk about it in front of her, but it's more like she didn't really think about it as much as she should, but whenever someone did say 'werewolf' around her she didn't really pay attention, so when she physically saw them shift and saw rogues she freaks out. Because how could you not? Now that I got that out of the way. . .


Oh and the P.O.V's are gonna be switching a lot.


Jordyn's P.O.V

It's been almost a whole week of dating and now here we are at our first date. Well, more like heading to wherever our first date is since he won't tell me, but somehow that makes it all the more exciting.

"We're almost there," Daniel announced nervously, his hand shaking and gripping the steering wheel. I grabbed one of his hands and intertwined it with mine, knowing how much this first date means to him. I know he wants it to turn out perfect and I don't blame him at all for wanting that.

"How much longer?" I ask impatiently, feeling my eager grow bigger just at the thought of getting closer to our destination. Stopping my thoughts for a second, I take in my surroundings and see houses lining the narrow street we're currently on.

"Two minutes," he answered.

I jumped up and down in my seat, smiling big and squealing for a second. As you can tell, I'm excited. I mean, this is the first date I'm going on in my entire life, and I'm going on this date with my mate, the guy who I've dreamt of my entire life, so you can't entirely blame me for being super happy.

"Calm down there Jordy," Daniel teased, using a nickname he recently gave me.

I became very fond of the nickname and I like when he uses it just to get my attention.

Daniel suddenly turns the car onto a sandy road where a few other cars are parked also. He parks the car and before I could look around, a blind fold was wrapped around my head, blocking my eyesight. I groan stubbornly and turn my head to the left to pout at him, but instead he places a small kiss on my lips.

"There is no time to be sad," he states and I hear his side of the car door open and then close. Seconds later, mine opens and he grabs my hand tightly, guiding me out of the car. He closes the door and leads me somewhere. It's silent but peaceful as I trust him to guide me without letting me get hurt. However, I let a giggle slip past my lips.

"What are you laughing at?" He demands softly in my ear with his hands clutching my hips from behind. I laugh for a while, unable to talk and I could just tell that he's extremely confused.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now