+Chapter Seventeen+ A/N News At End

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Leah's P.O.V~

We sprinted fast through the trees with a large pack of werewolves chasing us from behind. Their growl and pounding paws only encouraged us to go faster, and that's exactly what we did. Grandma took the time to yell at Danny to go faster. Yes, she's on his back.

I would laugh but it didn't seem right at the moment.

Cole ran beside me, dogging logs and branches. I'd glance at him from time to time to see if he's okay, which I know he is, but I still worry. What if they catch us? I couldn't live with the thought of them hurting Cole, or Danny, even grandma.

Anger surged through me at the thought of them hurting my grandma. So I did the thing that felt right at the moment.

I began to shift.

My body lunged forward in the air when I jumped off a cliff that was a few feet above ground. The sound of my clothes tearing and falling to the floor could be heard. Shifting for me doesn't hurt as much as it used to. And then in just a few seconds, I landed on the ground in full Lycan form.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Cole running along side me in his werewolf form, and then Danny in Lycan form, too, with grandma on his back. His wolf caught my attention for a moment. Black running down his Lycan body, and filling in the rest of it was a dark brown. It almost looked all black because of how dark the brown was, but when the light shinned on it you could see that it's a brown.

Cole growled from beside me, and then a large crash sounded afterwards. Stunned, I snapped out of my admiring moment and saw Cole tumbling through the grass and flowers with another werewolf on top of him.

I felt a presence behind me, so I looked towards Danny to already see him staring at me. I growled at him and nodded my head in a hurry towards the direction in front of us. He got what I was trying to say and sprinted off with grandma clinging to his fur.

My head turned to the side and in my vision from behind, a werewolf chased me, almost close to me. I looked ahead and saw a cliff, an idea popping into my head right away.

Sprinting, I made sure the werewolf was right on my tail and at the last moment, I jerked to the side, letting the werewolf that was behind me fall off the cliff. It whimpered and howled until it couldn't be heard anymore.

Many more howls sounded throughout the trees and at that moment, I knew it was a mistake to kill that werewolf. Guilt ran through me, but I pushed it away.

This is your life now Leah, you can't feel bad for something like this, Maddie said to me.

I know but what I should've done was at least fight it, not kill it, I whimpered to her, that werewolf probably had a family or at least someone who cared for her/him. I could've handled it differently.

Yeah, you could've, but what's done is done Leah, she stated.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now