+Chapter six+

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The smell of medicine and cleaning products made me want to throw up and the sound of nothing made me feel alone. I felt alone. I felt lost. And I mostly felt depressed. The hospital room I'm in seemed blank and plain to me. Not one huge spot of color anywhere in the room. Mostly white. I've always wondered why some hospitals had mostly white.

I never got it. Like who would even want to be in a plain white room if they were going to die soon? Or if they were just sick. I'm not dying nor am I sick, but I really wish I was dead.

Taking in the info of being a full Lycan and having to grasp the fact that I wasn't human anymore almost made me lose my mind. I can't do it, but I need to. I need to do it for my family, my friends, the pack, and Cole. They all need me and if I left then I know things wouldn't be the same anymore.

But Cole, well Cole is the main reason why I don't want to leave. He will fall apart if I left and his entire pack will get the worst of it also. Other packs will come and destroy them and kill everyone. It would be a huge bloodbath. And I do not want that, not one bit.

David left the room, leaving me alone to think for a while, and that's all I've been doing; thinking. Sometimes thinking scares me because I'll think too much about something and things go bad later on. Your mind is a scary place and its a dark place.

A light knock on the door broke me from my thoughts and I turned my attention to the nurse coming in. She politely smiled at me and I returned a weak smile back.

"Hi, how are you doing sweety?" She said in soft soothing voice. My nerves almost calmed down by hearing her talk, but like always I became nervous again. And scared, really scared.

"I'm fine, can I get some water?" I asked in a quiet voice. She nodded her head and with a small smile she left me alone.

I felt a small burn in my stomach but I left it alone as nothing. My body felt cramped however, so I got up slowly and went to the bathroom that was near my bed. Just like the rest of the room, everything was white. I felt like I was in a mental hospital. The burn in my stomach turned into a numb feeling and I placed my hand on my belly rubbing it.

I looked up in the mirror and saw how awful I looked. My nose was red and my eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. My hair was a mess with tangles everywhere, it looked like a birds nest. Then my skin was pale and looked drained of life. I looked like an ugly ghost.

I sighed at my reflection and turned on the tap water, letting it turn hot.

"Miss? I have your water," the nurse said and I jumped up in surprise.

"Just set it down somewhere, I'll be out there in a bit," I called out. She murmured an 'okay' and I heard the sound of her footsteps fade away and a door close.

I looked up in the mirror again and stared at myself. Who am I? I don't feel like me, I feel like. . .someone else.

The feeling of a sting was felt on my stomach and I sucked in a breath looking down. I removed the white gown to the side and gasped at what I saw.

A huge red mark on my stomach made worry grow inside me. How did that happen?

"Leah?" My head snapped to the bathroom door and I raced to it and locked it. It's Cole, I know it. The knob to the door jiggled and I heard him sigh from the other side. "Leah let me in please. We need to talk."

"Go away Cole, I need to be alone," I said in a pleading tone. My hand clenched my stomach when I felt the stinging come back, but more harsh. "Fûck, shît that hurts," I mumbled.

"Leah what's going on? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. Just-just please go away." I fell to the floor on my knees and squeezed my stomach when I felt another pain shoot through me.

"Leah open this door now, what's going on?!" He banged on the door. I shut my eyes tightly and groaned in pain.

"Cole help me!" I screamed and wrapped my arms around myself, the pain now becoming more stronger. My back hit the cold white tiled floor and I let out another scream of pain.

"Leah!" He shouted in worry.

My eyes started to get heavy and my mind became blank. The pain in my stomach turned into a hot feeling, almost as if my stomach was on fire. I let out a blood boiling scream and heard a banging noise. The door to the bathroom was ripped off its hinges and Cole stood there breathing heavily while looking down at me.

"Cole please help me," I whimpered and smacked my hand down onto the tile. I needed to squeeze something or at least hold something.

Cole crouched down beside me and pulled my body to his side. In that moment I felt my vision blur, but heard the next words Cole said to me.

"Leah please stay with me here! Don't go, stay with me! Keep your eyes open Leah!" He shouted again in worry.

"I. . .I l-love you Cole," I mumbled lazily and drifted off into darkness, but peacefulness.


Cole's P.O.V~

"What happened to Luna?"

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Alpha, what's wrong with Luna?"

"Alpha, you alright?"

I looked up at the four guys I've known for years and frowned.

"Leah. . .she isn't. . .good," I stuttered. Caine whimpered and I felt him crawl to the back of my mind. He's hurt because our mate is hurting.

"What happened Alpha?" Gabe asked sadly.

"Leah is Lycan, fully Lycan now." They gasped and stared at me with wide eyes. "And she. . .she's ready to transform, well her body is ready physically, but she isn't ready mentally."

Will came forward and put a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. "Don't worry, the both of you will get through this, we all will too." He assured. I nodded at him, but my mind was thinking about what I saw.

Her body was heating up and her bones were shaking. The werewolf within her is ready to come out and by being inside for a long time must have excited it to actually be let out sooner. It couldn't wait. I saw her nails grow into larger ones, but I knew - and her inner werewolf knew - that it wasn't time.

When her body stopped heating up and her bones stopped shaking, she fell limp and relaxed into my arms. Caine was happy to hear that he was actually gonna have a mate that turns, but he didn't like the fact that she was gonna suffer. Going through the transformation for me hurt like hell so it might even hurt her even more since she's human. I was a werewolf since birth and she's human, but half human.

Who was Lycan in her family? I needed to find out fast and I needed to keep this away from everyone, except my four friends since they already know. But I especially need to keep it away from The Originals. If they found out then she'd be dead.

"Alpha we're gonna go get something to eat, wanna come?" Gabe asked. I shook my head no and they nodded in understanding.

All of them left after and I stood there in the halls right outside of Leah's room. She was sleeping on her mattress since I put her there.

"What am I gonna do?" I asked myself.

I love you too Leah, just don't leave me here. I need you.


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Okay well I hope you liked that chapter! There will be another one coming soon, maybe tomorrow.

Bye my lovelies!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now