+Chapter Fifteen+ Read A/N At End

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Leah's P.O.V~

Danny fell asleep after interrogating Cole, I plugged in my headphones and listened to music because Danny's snoring became very loud, Cole fell asleep a few minutes after Danny did. The two body gaurds started up a conversation with each other and laughed here and there together.

We had just two more hours until we arrived at my grandmas' house. I'm so nervous and excited for her to meet Cole. I just know he'll love her, but her personality is something else. Remember when she woke me up with a bull horn?

Yeah I just hope she doesn't do it again.

Danny shifted in his spot, his foot kicking mine. I glared at him and kicked it back then went to staring out the window again. The last time I saw Danny was a very fun night.

We were at the carnival and he made me go on the bumper cars with him. It was a fun night, except a strange part where he started to act weird. Like he just kept glancing around after we got off the bumper cars and had his arm around my shoulder most of the time.

I didn't think anything of it. All I thought was that he probably saw someone looking at me and didn't like it so he started to act weird. But then he growled at something. Like it was an actual growl.

I was scared of him after that, but tried not to show it. And I didn't say anything, all I did was continue to eat my cotton candy and walk away with him following behind me.

The rest of the night we had fun, but then in the morning he disappeared. Our family - his parents and mine - were searching every where for him. All his favorite places and hangouts. And just when we were all about to give up, a thought had popped into my head.

The river, I had thought at that moment.

I closed my eye's, a sadness creeping up into my chest at the memory of the day where I found him.

He was laying on his back on the rocks, torso naked but his bottom half covered with swim trunks, hair still wet, body freezing cold, lips chapped and blue, skin badly pale, and blood coming out of his forehead

I had cried at the sight of him, and then I thought it wasn't too late to save him. So, I had run as best as I could over the river to him, my legs shaky and wet, tears streaming down my face that blurred my vision, and once I reached him I placed my hands on his chest and pumped up and down.

I did CPR on him for ten minutes. Then, and only then, did it hit me like a rock that he was dead.

The ambulance came, his parents, my parents, and the police. His parents cried at the sight of him, my parents did also. But I didn't, I couldn't actually. I had run out of tears.

The police said that he slipped on the rocks and hit his forehead, was barely conscious and dizzy most of the time he was being taken away by the water, and then drowned, and that his body washed up on the surface. They also said that he was like that for thirty minutes, just laying still on the rocks and dirt.

I knew it was too late for me to save him, but I tried. Apart of me - at the moment I was trying to save him - didn't want reality to ruin my determination on saving him. In the back of my head I knew he was dead, but I didn't want to admit it. He was my favorite cousin, practically an older brother to me.

"Leah!" I jumped in my seat, my head snapping to see Danny staring at me in concern. "What's wrong?" He asked while I looked at him confused. I felt a drop of water hit my hand and that's when I realized that I had been crying. Danny and Cole both stared at me with worry while I looked at my hand that held the tear drop.

I guess the thought of that night made me very emotional.

I faced Danny and Cole, my body numb of no emotion, and then that's when I cried hard again. And it wasn't because of the horrible memory of finding Danny dead. No, it was because I have him here with me again after forever.

And the last time I cried after he died was after the funeral. I didn't cry during the funeral, even though most of my family members expected it since we were so close, and still are close, but the entire time I thought to myself, 'don't cry yet, just wait.'

The minute we got home, I ran to my room and cried until I had no more tears left.

Danny held me in his arms and lifted my body up so that I sat in between him and Cole. Cole rubbed my right arm and whispered soothing things into my ear, Danny still held onto me tight and greedily, but I didn't blame him. He's overprotective of me, and when I'm in a state like this he wants me all to himself so that he can make me feel better, not anyone else.

The two body guards stopped their conversation and sat there in the front in silence. The one driving looked at me through the mirror and gave me a sympathetic half smile. He knew why I was like this. It's very clear.

Danny and Cole didn't even have to ask either.

The other body gaurd turned up the music that was playing a soft slow song. I closed my eye's, the warmth around me being soothing to me, and the sound of the beautiful and calming song filled my ears.

-Tell my love to wreck it all

Cut out all the ropes and let me fall

My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my right in this moment

the order's tall

And I told you to be patient, and I told you to be fine, and I told you

to be balanced, and I told you to be kind

In the morning I'll be with you, but it will be a different guy

I'll be holding all the tickets, and you'll be owning all the fines

. . . Come on Skinny Love what happened here

Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere

My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my

Sullen load is full so slow on the split

My eye's became heavy and started to drift close, so I let sleep take over my body and mind and drifted off. The only thing I heard before I completely let darkness consume me was 'I love you Leah,' and I wonder which boy that was from. Danny or Cole?


There's the update! I hope you love it! The song is called Skinny Love by Bon Iver. And also I changed the name of the book to 'The Newborn Lycan' as you can tell. Does it sound alright? Please tell me of it does and I also changed the cover of the book, as you can see. Well that's all I had to say.

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Until next update, bye my lovelies!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now