+Chapter Eighteen+ Part One

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Danny's P.O.V~

She's gone. They took her. She's gone! Anger flowed threw me, but I knew that I had to stay calm and keep my head straight. Any distractions right now are the last thing we need.

I went back, after leaving grandma with the Lycans back at the barn, and searched for Cole. The first thing that plopped in my head was the last place I saw him. The woods. And when I arrived there, he was unconscious and beaten up. Why hadn't he heeled yet? I wondered.

"Cole, Cole c'mon, we have to go back to my barn," I said, trying to pick him up at the same time. "Cole c'mon!"

"Leah," he muttered, opening his eye's to see me. "T-They took her."

"I know they did, and we'll get her back. You just need to gather all your strength so that we can go find her," I tried again to help him up, but he just fell to the floor.

"Okay Cole, you are not making this any easier." I stepped back and growled, turning into my wolf. His eye's fluttered shut and then he fell into a deep sleep. Using my mouth, I picked him up by the back of his shirt and dragged him back to the barn.

He so owes me for this.


"What are we gonna do?" Cole asked, clutching his head and groaning in pain. He glared at me and I smirked.

"What? You were unconscious and heavy so I had to drag you by the collar of your shirt." I smirked even more. "Even with the thought of getting you back by hitting your head on a few things." He growled, glaring daggers at me.

"As I said, what are we gonna do? I mean, it's not like we can walk in there and get her back." Cole stated, sighing and running a hand through his hair. Curiosity struck through me and I analyzed him. Dark bags under his eye's - hinting he's tried or stressed -, tired eye's, hair messed up and pointing in every direction, and his posture is poor and tired looking.

I guess you could say for short that Leah being gone is taking a huge toll on him, you can clearly see it and trust me it doesn't look descent.

"Maybe we can." Ashton, a fellow Lycan and friend of mine, said, a thought flashing across his face.

"No, we can't." Cole argued. "They have multiple gaurds and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a piece of cake."

Ashton gave him an are-you-kidding-me look, and pointed to the blue prints we have laid out on the desk. I glanced over at grandma, seeing her scold one of the Lycans because he was being messy. Ahh, grandma, it's sure great to have you back.

"Look, I know for a fact that they only keep two gaurds gaurding the door to the basement where the cages are. The halls are never really filled with their pack members, simply because they're mostly outside." Ashton pointed out. "The only tricky parts are getting past the pack members in front of the house, getting in the house and finding where the cages are, not getting caught by anyone, and finally an escape plan." He explained.

Cole stared at him, an expression saying are-you-crazy on his face. "That's basically everything we have to do in order to get her back!" He exclaimed, glaring at Ashton who looked annoyed.

"Just look at the blue prints of the house." He pointed again towards them. "Okay so getting past the pack members in the front may be easier than not getting caught or finding the cages-" Cole cut him off.

"Finding the cages will be easy." He said as if it was the easiest thing in the world. But to us, in a situation like this, and the fact that we don't know where the cages are and the blue prints don't say it either, means that it isn't going to be easy!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now