+Chapter Fourteen+

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Leah's P.O.V~

Journal Entry: First page

What ever happened to that shy, nervous, and quiet girl that only talked to one person? Where did she go? Is she still there, or did the change in her life just push her away?

A part of me wants to believe that she's still there, that at any moment she could come back and get her old life back, but it's easier said than done. All it took was mostly about two to three days for her to go away. Too fast if you ask me. And especially what happened to the promise she made to her grandma a-

"What are you writing about?" I jumped in surprise and closed my new journal that I just bought. Cole has been laying down next to me, and I've been writing in here. Don't ask why, but I did it because I just want all my thoughts to be written down instead of in my head bugging me all the time.

"Nothing, just writing." I simply answer. His finger pokes at the journal craddled to my chest and I push it away. "No, you can't read it. This book isn't for you to read, okay?"

"Awww, why? I want to know what you're thinking about," he whines, nudging my side with his hand. I slap it away without much force and glare at him.

"Cole," I say sternly. "-promise me you won't try to read this without permission."

"But-" he starts.

"No, promise or else." I threaten. He sighs tiredly and glares at me weakly.

"Fine, I promise." He sincerely says. I smile at him and kiss his cheek, which makes him happy instantly.

I turn my back to him and look at the cover of my new journal, thinking. A long time ago, I had a journal that was hidden in my drawer and I used to write stupid kid stuff in it. It was mostly scribbled on since I used to love to draw and no one ever knew I had one, except my grandma since I asked her to buy me it.

And now with a new journal I bought myself I have to write in it and fill it up to the last page. I like how it looks, it looks like an old journal that people used to write in a long time ago and I love it. Things that look old and antique looking give me a feeling like I used to live in the 1900's. I wish I could've lived a long time ago, the clothes and everything from then is so different from now.

It was better.

"My grandma wants me to go visit her soon, I promised I'd go. . ." I said, turning around to already see his eye's on me. "-and she wants to meet you, too."

Nervousness visibly showed on his facial features, making me laugh. "Don't worry, she won't bite." I got off the bed and stretched while a thought popped into my head. "Well that is unless you deny her cookies then she'll bite you. Trust me it leaves a mark for a couple days."

He got worried again, which only made me laugh harder. The memory of my grandma biting me because I didn't take her cookies when she offered them, made me smile. And I thought some more and more.

I used to go to her house all the time, play in the backyard in the snow and climb the tree. My grandpa - before he passed away - helped me build a tree house, but we never finished it. He got sick and then went to the hospital. And then the next thing I know, he's gone.

"Hey, you alright?" Cole asked, getting off the bed and hugging me to him, my head on his chest and arms wrapped around his torso. His hands pulled me into him by my waist and he laid his head on top of mine.

"Yeah I'm okay, just thinking of. . ." I stopped myself, not wanting to worry Cole. "The time where I fell off my bike at my grandmas house." So I lied.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now