Happy Times

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Legolas helped me onto the bench in the garden. He was looking shy and nervous. He took a deep breath and knelt in front of me and opened a box. It had a rose gold ring with a diamond in the middle.
"Vilya, will you marry me?" I gasped and replied
"Oh Legolas! Yes!" He smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger and then gently kissed me. His lips were soft and sweet. We sat for a long time talking about the future.

3 months later

I sat by the window looking out. Our wedding was today but I wasn't ready to get ready. The wind blew in through the open window. The sun cast a gold light in the white room. The door opened and in walked the young girl.
"Good morning my lady, are you ready?" I nodded and walked into the soapy rose water. The young girl started washing my hair.
"What is your name?" The girl poured water washing out the soap in my hair.
"Enya, my lady." She handed me a cloth with soap on it and I washed my body.
"Thank you Enya." Once I was dry, Enya helped me into a white under gown. Before I got into my wedding dress, she brushed my hair. She pulled out my dress and laid it on the bed. It was pure white. The shirt was long and would trail out behind me. It was heavy with pearls and diamonds and had a matching silver circlet with a pearl in the middle. It took a long time to get into it. About half an hour later, I was sitting in the wedding getting my hair done. Enya braided it into a long braid then wrapped in up into a huge bun. She then sewed in seeded pearls into the bun and carefully placed the circlet onto my hair.
"Ready to have a look, my lady." I nodded and turned into the mirror. I gasped. It was like looking at an angel, well I dint know what an angel looked like but still.
"You're amazing Enya. Thank you." She smiled and walked out of the room.
The ghost of my father came in and looked at me.
"You look beautiful Vil."
"Thank you, Father."  He sat down and I sighed.
"I wish Lord Elrond were here to walk me up or you." Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and Gandalf with Frodo had left Middle Earth.
"Aragorn will do a fine job." We sat in silence then he said
"Vilya, the evil is returning." I turned to him
"What do you mean?"
"Orcs are returning. I thought the evil was destroyed but it so not so." I bit my lip.
"Be on guard, Vilya."
"Father......" But he had gone.

I sat thinking about what he had said for some time, when a knock made me jump.
"Come in." Aragorn walked in.
"Ready Vilya?" I nodded.
As we walked up in the hall towards the Great Hall, I told Aragorn about what my father had said. He looked thoughtfully and replied
"Vilya, I will look into it. But not today. This is your happy day." Suddenly I felt nerves hitting me.
"I am going to meet King Thranduil, aren't I?" Aragorn nodded. We stopped outside to great doors and he turned to me.
"Ready. I feel sick." Aragorn smiled and the doors opened.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now