The Plantir

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I went to bed while Legolas stood outside. I heard Aragorn join him and they started to talk in low voices. Pippin crawled past me and both Merry and I asked at the same time
"What are you doing, Pippin?" Pippin didn't answer but crawled over to Gandalf and grabbed the plantir.
"Pippin, put it back!" I hissed, but he didn't reply. He uncovered it and stared into it. Then he cried out. Gandalf and I both jumped up and I grabbed the plantir from Pippin. At once, I stared into it. I didn't want to but it was like I had no choice. I could hear Sauron voice hissing at me Daughter of Celebrimbor, your doom is at hand. You will die like your father. You will burn!
The ball was ripped out of my hand by Aragorn. Legolas grabbed onto Aragorn and Gandalf kicked it out of his  hands and covered it with a white rag. Gandalf glared at Pippin. I sat in the corner, shaking. Merry came over and wrap a blanket over my shoulders. I barely noticed.
"Are you alright, Vil?" Asked Merry. I gave a nodded but turned to the wall and closed my eyes.

When I woke up, the room was empty. I got up and brushed my hair and walked down to the hall. Gimli was smoking his pipe, Merry was eating and Legolas was leaning against the fireplace.
"Where's Gandalf and Pippin?" Merry looked at me and replied
"They off to Gondor." I nodded and Eowyn handed me a bowl. It was a sort of porridge. I hated porridge but I couldn't say no. And I was really hungry. I grinned at Eowyn and she walked off. I placed the bowl on the table and went to pick up a piece of bread, when Legolas grabbed my arm.
"What is that?" Then I gasped. It was a black eye, inked onto the back of my hand, about the size of a 50cent coin.
"I have no idea." Legolas looked at me then I said
"I must have got it when I picked up the plantir." Legolas raised his eyebrows.
"Sauron spoke to me and said that I would burn........." Sobs made me choke but I finished
"He said I would .....father."  Legolas gently hugged me and then I asked
"Where's Aragorn?" Legolas pointed to the door. I took the bread and walked out into the clean air.

I sat down next to Aragorn on the stair. He looked at me for a moment then turned back to watching the mountains.
"What are we watching for?" I asked. Aragorn smiled and replied
"We are watching for the beacons of Gondor." We sat silently and Aragorn asked
"Sauron put that mark on your hand, didn't he?" I nodded and said
"He also said that I would burn."
"Only if he gets the Ring back, Vilya." I nodded.
"I'm sorry I shouted at you."
"I'm sorry that I never told you the truth."
"It's okay. You were just trying to protect me." Aragorn leaped to his feet.
"The beacons are lit! The beacons are lit!" He raced inside like a maniac and shouting about the beacons. I laughed and shook my head. Aragorn was the rightful king of Gondor and it was like going home to him. I just stand there, listening to him telling the king. We were on the move again.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now