The Ring

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20 years later.
I sat by my window in Rivendell reading a book. Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in." Elladan's head appeared from behind door.
"Father wants you in the library." I sighed and placed the book on the table.
"What have I done now?" Elladan's face said nothing. I opened the door and walked quickly down to the library. Arwen and Father were standing together talking. Then Arwen ran out of the room.
"Father, you called me?" He turned around and replied
"Yes I did. Please have a seat." I sat down in the seat and Father started to room around the room in circle slowly.
"The One Ring has been found." I looked at Father.
"By whom?" I heard hooves galloping out of the gates. I jumped to my feet, watching Arwen galloping away.
"Where is Arwen going?" Father came and stood by the window next to me.
"To meet Aragorn and the hobbits."
"One of the hobbits have the Ring and they are in trouble. They are being hunted by Ring Wraiths." I shivered and turned to Father.
"What good will it be to bring the Ring here?"
"I have called together a council. Gimli the dwarf, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir of Gondor, Frodo Baggins and Legolas." My heart skipped a beat. Did he just say Legolas? I hide my surprise and shock and asked
"Who is Frodo?" Father was watching me and replied
"He is the one with the Ring." I could not help but ask
"Did you say Prince Legolas is coming?' Father nodded and replied
"If I'm not mistaken all should arrive by Monday." That was two days away.

I was reading in the hallway when Arwen came in through the doors like a hurricane.
"Where is Father?" She asked, panic filling her voice. I saw that she was holding a small bundle.
"I have no idea." Arwen then looked at me and shouted
"Well  find him. The hobbit is dying." I looked at her.
"How is that possible?"
"He was stabbed by a Ring Wraith." I sighed and closed my book. I was really looking forward to a quiet afternoon. I had already been kicked out of the library when Gandalf arrived late this morning.
"Father is in the library." Both Arwen and I walked to the library.

Father had Arwen put the hobbit into the guest room. While they were running around, I saw the Ring in the hobbits pocket. I carefully pulled it out and looked at it. It was made of solid gold and there was a strange humming sound coming from it. I then saw that everyone had frozen. Father spoke in a cold voice.
"Put it back Vilya, now." I watched Father and picked up a silver chain from the bedside table. I slipped the Ring onto it.
"Vilya!" Father's voice held a warning now. I gently and carefully fastened the chain around the hobbit's neck.
"You may leave Vilya." There was no point talking back. I got up and walked out of the room.

Later that day, Gandalf walked into my room. I would like to add that he didn't knock. He just walked in.
He sat down on the chair by the window, without a word and lit his pipe. I sat on my bed watching him.
"Your father is not overly happy with you." I sighed and replied
"I can just imagine."  Gandalf turned to me and asked
"Why did you touch the Ring?" I looked down at my hands.
"To be honest....." Gandalf cut me off with the reply
"I like honesty so please be honest." I couldn't help but grin and continue
"I have no idea why. Anyway it is safer on a chain." Gandalf was smiling. Then he started to laugh. I giggled.
"What a day it had been!" I said.
"I came here to tell you that you are coming to the council." I looked surprised.
"Your father has requested it." I nodded and picked up my book.
"You read too much." I looked up from my page and replied
"A book is a good friend. It speaks and talks. You don't have to do anything." Gandalf just turned back to the window.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now