Are You Getting Tired, Vilya?

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My leg was in a lot of pain, but I pushed it out of my mind. I was keeping up at first. Once we hit the grassly plains, I was running beside Gimli with Legolas calling to us
"Come on Gimli and Vilya!" Gimli puffed out
"We dwarves are naturally sprinters!"
By the time he was finished, I was a good 4 meters behind him. Finally my leg wouldn't move. With Gimli out of the sight, I dropped onto the ground and pushed up my dress. Blood was coming out of the bandage. It hurt more than ever. Then Gimli appeared.
"Come lassie!"
"Gimli, I can't move." I whispered. Then he saw my leg.
"LEGOLAS!!! ARAGORN!!" He shouted and then he disappeared again. Legolas came running around the corner, top speed.
"Vilya!" He dropped by my side.
"Legolas, I can't move. My leg is numb." Aragorn came running and dropped down next to me.
"Vilya, you must not walk any more. Legolas and I will take turns carrying you." I protested being stubborn
"No Aragorn, it will slow you down!"
"Stop being stubborn, Vilya." He gently knelt down in front of me. Legolas helped me up into Aragorn's back. I carefully wrapped my legs and arms around him, so he didn't gave to take too much of my weight.
"Will you be alright?" I smiled at Legolas and nodded. He was so kind and gentle towards me. Then it came to me. If I could marry anyone, it would him. Aragorn started off and I was bumped around quite a bit as Aragorn was tired and didn't have light footing,

About an hour later, I was placed carefully onto Legolas's back. At once I could tell, he was less tired and stronger. And far more gentle and didn't trod in so many holes. It was a far more relaxing ride.

Half an hour later, Legolas stopped suddenly. I must have fallen asleep as my head crashed in his.
"Sorry Legolas." He smiled and said
"Did you have a nice sleep?" I nodded and he gently removed one of his harms from around my leg to shade his eyes.
"Aragorn we have horseman heading this way." I spotted them and did a quick count.
"There are about 100 horseman." Aragorn shaded his eyes.
"I can see nothing. Keen are the eyes of the elves."

About 20 minutes later, Legolas pulled us off the road. The horseman went galloping past. Then Aragorn jumped up and called out
"What news from the north, riding of Rohan?" They circled around us. Legolas gently placed me on the ground and protectively stood in front of me. One of the riders asked
"What does a man, a dwarf and two elves have in the Mark." I pushed past Legolas's legs and tried to stand help. Legolas quickly helped me. Something about this man was familiar.
"Eowyn is your sister, is she not?" He dropped off his horse and handed his spear to another.
"What is your name?" Before I could answer Gimli said
"Give me your name, by horse master and I will give you mine." The man laughed and said
"I would cut off your head, beard and all, if it stood but a little high off the ground." Legolas's loaded bow was in his face, before you could blink.
"You would die before your stroke fell." Both Aragorn and I pushed his arms down.
"I am Vilya. I met your sister, 30 years ago." The man smiled to me and said
"Eomer, my lady." I touched Legolas's shoulder and said
"This is Prince Legolas of Mirkwood and Aragorn and you have met Gimli." Eomer walked right up to me and said
"One woman amount many men." I grinned and replied
"Actually Aragorn's my uncle and Legolas is my dearest friend. Gimli is a friend as well. We are searching for hobbit. They would be children in your eyes." Eomer said
"Where they captured by orcs?" I nodded.
"We killed all the orcs and found no children. But I will give you horses. But trust not to hope. It has forsaken these lands." His men lead two horses forward.
"Arod and Haflas." Aragorn grabbed Eomer's arm.
"Do you any healing herbs with you?" Eomer pulled out a small tin.
"Here is some. Please return the horses to the Golden Halls." We nodded and I got up behind Legolas and Gimli behind Aragorn. We rode off.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now