The Beginning

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Vilya in media section there will be others during the book.

I sat by the water's edge in the grossly plains of Riverendale. I had come here, because I knew that I would miss lessons. I hated those lessons. Ones on how to be a lady and a princess. Yuck! Who needs to be a lady or a princess when daggers and bows are better fun. Even Uncle Aragorn said I was better with daggers than most elves he had ever met. I smiled into the water. I knew I would be in trouble with Father but he would get over it.
"Vilya! Vilya!" I could hear Elladan looking for me. I groaned and picked myself up. If I didn't go now, I would be in even more trouble.
"Coming!" I shouted and ran towards the sound of my name. I could see Elladan walking towards me. His arms were crossed across his chest and his bye-grey eyes sparkled. He stopped were he was and let me come to him. It took me about ten seconds that reach him.
"Ada is really mad at you." Elladan said. I rolled my eyes and replied
"When is he not." Elladan sighed and we started walking back to the palace.
"Why don't you just do as he asks of you?"
"I don't need those silly lessons. Who needs......." Elladan cut me off
"I know, I know. But you needs those things later in life." Ilooked at my bare toes and hung my head. Elladan put an arm around my shoulders.
"Come on. You're better than this." I felt guilty.
" I know. I'm sorry." But that time we were walking in through the front gates.
"You need to apologise to Ada not me." He walked off towards the dinning room. I head towards the library. Father was always reading and studying maps, so that was my best bet. I knocked on the closed door.
"Come in."I pushed open and door and closed it behind me. Father was sitting down at his little table, pouring over some maps. That was one thing we never fought over. Our love of learning. I had memorised every map and a good third of the books. I could speak elvish and dwarfish and I could understand the Black Speech. Father turned around and rolled the map up.
"Sit down."I walked slowly to an empty seat and slipped into it. Father sat down opposite me and sighed.
"Once again, we are having this conversation."I looked at the table.
"How many more times am I going to have to talk to you? You are 497 years old. You aren't a child anymore, Vilya." I looked up and into his eyes.
" I am very sorry Father. I really hate those lessons." He sighed and walked over to his desk. I watched him open it and pulled out a rolled up price of paper and a white envelope with a broken seal on it. He handed me the letter. I opened it and read it.
Lord Elrond
You and your household are invited to the StarLight Feast this year in Mirkwood. Please send a message before hand letting us know if you can come.
Thranduil, king of Mirkwood.
I handed the letter back to Elrond.
" Are we going?" He smiled and replied slowly
"Yes we are.' I smiled and asked
"When is it?"
"We will have to leave in three days time." I nodded and rolled out the paper. It was a map of Moria. I looked up. Father smiled and said
"I am quite sure you will have memorised this by the time we have to leave." I hugged him walked to the door.
"Oh and Vilya." I turned around.
"You need a new dress and don't forget those lessons this afternoon. After the lessons you may have some sword training with Elrohir." I smile and replied
"Yes Ada, I promise." Then I closed the door and ran to the dinning room.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now