When Will I See You Again?

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Finale I had run out of breath. I turned around to see Legolas.
"Why are you running?" I dropped to the forest floor.
"I can not dance." I whispered. Legolas sat down next to me. He was smiling. Then I started to laugh. I was being so stupid.
"Please forgive me, my lord."
"It's Legolas." He helped me to my feet and we started back to the feast.

When we got back, I found I was hungry. I load up a plate so full it was enough to feed three elves. Legolas raised his eyebrows.
"There is no way you can eat that much." Elrohir came up and replied for me
"She eats like there is no tomorrow." Legolas looked back at me. Elrohir had an evil smile and twinkle in his eyes.
"I dare you." He said. I grinned and nodded. I sat down both Elrohir and Legolas watching me.
"Go away!" Elrohir sat down next to me.
"No Vilya, we need to make sure you don't cheat." Ten minutes later, I had won the dare.
"So what do I win?" Elrohir grinned.
"A punch." He went to punch me, but I slipped easier out of the way.
"Is that the best you can do?" I asked teasing him. Elrohir just walked off. Legolas smiled and I smiled back.
"I am going to my room." We bowed to each other and I walked back to the palace.

When I reached my room, Aranel was waiting with my nightgown. ~See media section~ She quickly undressed me and into my nightgown and brushed my hair. Then I dropped onto my bed. Sleep took me.

Four days went last quickly, with each day coming closer to going home. Finale the day came when it was time to leave. Legolas was there to see us off.
"Have a safe trip, my lady." I smiled and he helped me up onto Titta's back.
"Farewell, my lord. Thank you for your hospitality." Legolas smiled and said
"I have said to you, it is Legolas." I smiled and we were silence for awhile. Then Legolas said
"When will I see you again?" I looked out to the road.
"I am not sure." There where no more words to say. I kicked Titta into a trot and looked over my shoulder at Legolas. He lifted up his hand, a goodbye. I lifted up my hand and then turned back to face the road.

A week later, I could see the gates of Riverndell ahead. I kicked Titta into a gallop. The gates opened and at once I could hear the sound of water and wind and the gentle smell of flowers and water and clean air. Father was waiting by the stairs with Lindir. I dismounted and a guard grabbed my reins. I ran into Father's arm. He smiled at me and we hugged each other. I was so happy to see him.
I was home.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now