Boromir's Fall

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We finale arrived at this place that Aragorn wanted to arrived at. I jumped off the boat and dropped onto the sand.
"Get up, Vilya. Help us unload." I groaned and got to my feet and helped Legolas and Boromir get the packs off the boats. I felt a tingle on my spine. Orcs!!! I turned to Legolas, who had sensed it too. He walked up to Aragorn and spoke to him. What ever he said, we countined to get the stuff off the boats. As Legolas went past me and I grabbed his arm. At once he turned to me.
"We are not safe here." He nodded and I sat down on some rocks.  Then Aragorn cried out
"Where's Frodo?" I jumped to my feet and saw that Boromir was missing as well. That was not good. Boromir was desperate to get his hands on the Ring. Pippin and Merry started calling out
"Frodo! Frodo!" Until I grabbed Pippin by his ear and Merry by his curly hair.
"Quiet! Something is out there!" They both then took off running looking for Frodo.
"Wait here!" Aragorn said and sprang off. Gimli picked up his axe and I swung my daggers and clipped on my sword. Then I pulled on my quiver and Legolas had my bow in his hand.
"You chose the bow back in Lothlorien, didn't you?" I took my bow and replied
"What makes you think that?" Legolas gave a small smile
"I was just asking, that is all, my lady." Then I saw a pack of orcs running towards there I last saw Aragorn. Gimli ran after the orcs and I turned to Legolas. Then we dashed off, following Gimli.

I found Aragorn stabbing an Orc.
"Frodo?" He looked at me and I pulled out my daggers and back stabbed an Orc.
"He is leaving."
"Are we to follow him?" Aragorn shook his head. Then a horn blew, sweet and clear not to far away.
"Boromir!" We both cried and we ran off.

I watched in horror as Boromir was shot with an arrow. He had three coming from his chest and now he fell to his feet.
"Boromir!" I ran towards him.
"Vilya, no!!!!" Aragorn screamed. Then I felt the strange pain and I looked at where it was coming from. An arrow was buried into my leg. I bite my lip and ran to Boromir. Aragorn was still fighting the Orc leader and I knelt down next to Boromir. My leg was numb but I pushed the pain out of my head.
"Boromir, stay with me!" I whispered. Boromir smiled at me
"You know I can't." Then Aragorn came running towards us and dropped by Boromir's side.
"Aragorn, I tried to take the Ring from Frodo."
"Boromir the hobbits."
"Orcs have them." I watched as Aragorn kissed Boromir's forehead. Then the life left him. I turned to see Legolas and Gimli watching, tears in their eyes. I got to my feet but dropped back down again. My legs couldn't move.
"Aragorn, can you help me, for Luthien's sake!" I groaned. Legolas knelt down beside me and took a hold of the arrow.
"Ready? 1 2 3!" On three, Legolas pulled the arrow out in one quick movement. I gave a small groan and Aragorn quickly bandaged it.

We got back to the boats and Legolas started pushing one out.
"Come Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore!" Then he stopped when he saw Aragorn and I just standing there.
"You mean not to follow them." Aragorn stood up and took Gimli and Legolas by the shoulder.
"There are two hobbit that are prisons of orcs. I will not leave them. Let us hunt some Orc!" With that, he leaped to his feet and took off running, I quickly followed him with Legolas behind then Gimli.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now