Three Days Later

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The days seemed to drag on and on. Finale it was the morning in which we were leaving. My horse was waiting for me and all my belonging where strapped on. I turned to Father and hugged him.
"Don't worry about us." He smiled and kissed my forehead. Then he helped me up onto my horse. I grabbed his hand. Father smiled at me and gently squeezed my hand and then let go. I kicked Titta into a trot. Titta means little is elvish as she was the smallest foal once a upon a time. Now she was tall and large. Elladan trotted up and grinned at me.
"Race you!" Then his horse bolted forward. I shouted after him
"No fair." I kick Titta after him.

It was a long trip. A week on the road. The road felt like it went on forever. Finale I could see the edge of the forest. I sighed with relief. We had made it.
We reached the gates by late morning so we still had all afternoon to get ready for the feast. I trotted over to Elladan. I was a bit nervous and afraid. The gates opened without a sound. We trotted in to see and a female elf was waiting for us.
"Welcome to Mirkwood!" She said "I am Tauriel, captain of the guards. Please follow me." I dismounted and a young elf took my horse away. We followed Tauriel without speaking. She lead us to the throne room. King Thranduil sat on his throne looking down on us.
"My king." Elrohir said and we all bowed. The king got up and walked down to stand in front of us.
"I am Elrohir of Riverendale and this is my brother Elladan and my sisters Arwen and Vilya.' The king looked at each one of us carefully.
"Where is Lord Elrond?" I spoke this time
"Our father was busy and has sent his apology." The king then nodded to a servant and we were shown to our rooms. I walked into my new room. Everything was dark brown wood and green and gold. It was a nice room but I was homesick for Riverendale with its blue, gold, silver, red and gold. I sat down on my bed and saw that my bags had been unpacked. I dropped down on the bed and closed my eyes.

The sun was high in the sky when I woke up. I sat up quickly and looked around. Aranel smiled at me and said
"My lady are you ready for your bath?" I ran my fingers through my greasy brown hair. It has not been washed for 7 days. I got up and walked into the bathroom. The water was warm, soapy and had lovely rose smell. Aranal help me get undressed and I stepped into the water.
After I was clean and my hair was sweet smelling, Aranel dressed me in the dress I choose for the feast. Then she helped me into my slippers and silver headpiece. When her back was turned I slipped my letter opener sized dagger into my pocket.
I was picked up by Elladan and we started to walk to the grassy plain where the feast was being held. The sound and lights speed up my heart rate. Then I saw him.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now