I Will Never Leave You

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When I woke up, I saw Legolas taking to someone, I rubbed my eyes. It could not be! Aragorn, of all people, stood talking to Legolas.
"UNCLE ARAGORN!!!" I screamed and jumped to my feet and ran full speed towards him. He laughed and picked me off my feet.
"My little ball of fire!" He said. I cried with joy at seeing him. We hugged each other and the he said
"I must see the king."

"My lord, over 10,000 orcs are matching to Helm's Deep." I gasped.
"You must call for aid." Theoden looked at Aragorn
"And who will come?" Aragorn didn't answer.
Later Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli and I were watching was the men of Rohan readied for war. Legolas shook his head and said
"Some have seen too many winters." Gimli's reply was
"And some too few." Legolas turned to Aragorn and said something in elvish. Aragorn replied and then Legolas spoke in Common Speech shouting back at Aragorn.
"They are all going to die!" Aragorn turned around and shouted back at Legolas
"Then I shall die as one of them!" The he stormed off. Legolas went to follow him but Gimli stopped him and said
"Let him be, laddie." Tears streamed down my eyes and I looked first at Gimli and Legolas. Then I bit my lip and stormed off. I could hear Legolas whisper
"Vilya, no. Please!" My tears didn't stop and it broke my heart to walk away, but I needed air.

Out on the wall, I could see the armies of Isgengaurd marching towards us. I leaned against the stone wall. I might not live to see the sun, as it was covered by the clouds. I don't want to die. Tears dropped and made wet spots on the grey stone. I breathed in the clean air. The wind blew my hair. I turned to see Gimli, standing next to me.
"He's hurting, you know that, don't you lassie?" I looked at Gimli.
"Gimli, who can I trust? I am afraid to love. I don't lose him as well." Gimli smiled and gave a small laugh.
"Legolas won't die with out a fight. Any way, he won't die without me beside him. Lassie, you need to see that if you don't tell him that you love him, then you are breaking his heart. Telling him. And don't worry about death. We all are going to face it." I turned to Gimli.
"Gimli, what would I do without you? I am glad to fight be your side and die with you. Thank you for your words, they have given me a new strength. Where is Legolas?" Gimli smiled and said
"He is at the stables."

I had never ran so fast in my life. I pushed past people and skidded around corners. I raced into the stables and found Legolas sitting on a pile of hay in the corner of the stables. I could see tears on his cheek and I walked slowly towards.
"Legolas?" He looked up at me. I gently sat down next to him.
"I am so sorry." He sighed and turned back to the wall.
"I need you to know, that I love you." Legolas faced me. I gently wiped away his tears and gently took his hand.
"I have been afraid for my life and yours. Now I can see that you were right. If we are going to die, then I am going to die by your side." Legolas then looked at me. I smiled at him and he took my face with both of his hands. Our noses touched.
"Legolas, I love you and I am going to die with you." Legolas gently pulled me close to him and replied
"And we will need a leader." He jumped to his feet and I jumped up.
"I must find Aragorn."

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now