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The next morning I was eating breakfast in the dinning room by myself when I heard voices. I turned when the door opened and gasped. Two men walked in. I stood up and shouted with delight
"Uncle Aragorn!" Aragorn turned to me, his arms opened. I ran straight into them. He hugged me both of us laughing and I had tears in my eyes. He kissed my forehead and turned to the man next to him
"This is Lord Boromir. Boromir, this is Lady Vilya my niece." I bowed to him and then gestured to the table.
"Please have some breakfast with me." Both of the men sat down with me and we ate together. Aragorn told me some of the adventures he had been having and Boromir asked a few question. After about an hour we were joined by the dwarf Gimli and my brothers. Not long after four hobbits walked in. One of them sat down next to me.
"I'm Pippin and that is Merry, Sam and Frodo."pointing to each one in turn.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Vilya." I watched Frodo.
"Good morning Frodo. How is your shoulder?"
"It's better thank you." I smiled and handed him the bread basket. Gimli was shoving food down his throat at an amazing rate. Then I watched Gandalf and Elrond sit down.
"Good morning Father, where is Arwen?" Father looked at me and replied
"She is eating in her room, Vilya." There was a lot of talking and eating and laughing especially from the hobbits. I was sitting next to Pippin and Aragorn and was the only lady at the table. It was great fun being with so many people. Then Elladan picked up his glass of water.
"Vilya!" I turned to him. The minute I did, I was hit in the face with water. It ran down my chest and the back of my neck.
"Elladan!" Father's voice said. Uncle Aragorn was helping dry my face and dress. Then I smiled and went to pick up my water but Father's voice came out coolly.
"I hope you do not plan to throw the water at Elladan."I bit my lip and placed the glass back on the table. I picked at my breakfast now. Having water down your front isn't a very nice experience.

Later we all went into a large room where we started to play a game that the hobbit invented. Everyone chose a food word and had to think of a dish with that food in it. I quickly worked out that hobbits love food. Pippin started with
"I chose the word egg and I want Strider to chose." Strider was Aragorn. Then Aragorn said
"Fried eggs with bread." Then the next person had a go. Elrond and Gandalf didn't play but they watched, Gandalf with his pipe blowing smoke rings.
"Vilya your turn!" Cried Merry. I sighed and said
"Flowers and I chose Gimli."
"You can't eat flowers!" The dwarf cried. I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Yes you can!" I replied. Then the door was pushed open. And in walked Prince Legolas of Mirkwood.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now