The Deep Water

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"Watch out!" Someone screamed. I leap to the ledge and Legolas was pressing his body against mine, shielding me from the snow. Then a huge pile of snow covered us.
I couldn't breathe. My lungs were crying out of air. I started to panic. I couldn't feel the ground under me and I could get my arms free. Then someone grabbed me under my shoulders and pulled out into the air. My lungs heaved in the air. Uncle Aragorn was holding me to his chest.
"Vilya, are you alright?" I could just nod and hug him. I whispered
"I was panicking, I am sorry." He kissed my forehead and Legolas held out his hand to me. This time I took it and he held me to my feet.
"Thank you, my lord." He gave a small smile and said
"It is Legolas." I grinned and I helped the hobbits out of the snow.
"This will be the death of halfling!" Cried Boromir. I saw Frodo's face was white with cold.
"We need to make for the mines of Moria!" Gimli cried. I saw Gandalf's face change colour for a moment and then turned to Frodo.
"Let the Ring Bearer decide." Frodo looked at everyone and said
"We make for the mines." A shiver ran down my shine, but it was not from the cold. The look on Gandalf's face made me shiver. I knew what was in there from the books I had read. A Balrog, a demon of Morgoth. I was about to say that, but a look form Gandalf stopped me. He shook his head and we went on down the mountain.

About 3 hours later, Gandalf pulled Frodo over to the side of the path. We countined  past them and I found myself walking next to Legolas. After a while we reached a stone wall. Gandalf and Gimli started walking along the wall looking closely and tapping the wall. Gandalf said
"Dwarf doors are invisible when shut. Even their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten." I heard Legolas mutter
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Gimli gave a grunt. Gandalf whispered under his breath
"I need moon and star light." Then the clouds moved from the light and shone on the door. The door lit up and I saw a patten on the door. Gandalf pointed his staff at the letters and read out something. The only thing I caught was
"Speak Friend and enter."
"Great!" I said and Gandalf started muttering spells and words. I couldn't help but sigh and I sat down on a rock. After sometime Gandalf gave up and sat down next to Frodo. I watched Merry and Pippin throwing rocks into the water. Uncle stopped them pretty quick. Then Frodo jumped up and at the same time I got the answer.
"It's a riddle!" We both cried. Frodo and I looked at each other and laughed.
"The answer is Mellon!" I cried. The doors opened and Gimli started talking about foods and how the place wasn't a mine. Aragorn tossed my pack at me. I caught it and saw the pony trotting off. I slung the bag on my bag and walked into the mine. Boromir cried
"This is not a mine. It's a tomb!" I saw the dwarf bodies on the floor. Legolas pulled out an arrow and exclaimed
"Orcs!" He grabbed an arrow and fitted it to the string. Aragorn drew out his sword and I grabbed my daggers. Then I heard a cry
"Strider!" Frodo was being pulled into the water by a monster. It was like an octopus but 30 times bigger. I put my daggers away and grabbed my bow and fitted an arrow to the string. Both of us started shooting at the monster. Once Boromir had Frodo and Aragorn had Sam, Legolas and I shot the monster in the head. Everyone was inside the cave now and the monster pulled the walls down around us. We were surrounded in the dark.
Gandalf lit up his staff and a light filled the room.
"We must face the dark path ahead. Stay together everyone." We started a long walk.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now