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I ran to the stables and got onto a horse and kicked it. It galloped out of the stables and out of the gates. The horse galloped until the White City was out of sight and I rode towards a lake. When I got there, I let the horse eat the grass while I jumped into the lake. Water filled my ears and eyes and my dress was soaked but it washed away the anger and pain. I sighed and swam around the lake, droplet of water fell into my eyes. I splashed around trying to get my head around things, why was Thranduil so cold towards me? Why did the priest miss out some of vow? Why are there still orcs? I gave up and pushed them out of my head. I heard the pounding of horse hooves. I stayed in the middle of the lake.  Legolas, Thranduil and Aragorn rode into the clearing.
"Vilya, come here now!" Aragorn shouted at me. I swam in the middle of the lake.
"No!" I shouted back. I could feel my rage returning. Legolas got off his horse.
"Vilya, stop being silly." Thranduil got of his elk and walked into the water.
"I will get her, my self!" He started to swam towards. I swam away and to the opposite side of the lake. But Thranduil was a better swimmer and he grabbed me. I wiped out my dagger and cut his arm. Thranduil cried out and I swam out and onto the bank.
"If you ever touch me again...." I warned. Legolas shouted
"Vilya what is wrong?"
"What is wrong? Everything! Your father has wrecked my wedding. He changed the vows and he giving me these looks. I hate him!" I screamed back. By the way, I did feel batter to get it off my chest. Legolas looked at his father who was still in the lake.
"Father?" Thranduil looked at me and then at Legolas.
"She is telling the truth, Legolas." Legolas looked at his father then at me.
"Vilya, please come here." I dropped onto the ground. The fight had left me. Legolas ran over to me and pulled me close to his chest.
"Vilya, I am so sorry. This is all my fault." I looked at him and gently kissed him.
"Legolas , I have wrecked everything. I don't deserve you." Legolas gently kissed me.
"Vilya, you have not wrecked everything. We still have a feast to attend." I smiled and Legolas turned back to his father.
"We will need to talk later, Father." Thranduil frowned and replied
"Legolas, I wanted you to be safe. What if she dies? Then you will be destroyed, just like what happened when your mother died." Legolas held me close and replied
"If she dies, then I will die." Thranduil held put his hand to me and I took it. He pulled me to my feet.
"Forgive Vilya." I looked at the cut on his arm.
"I am sorry too, my lord." I placed my hand on his arm and healed to cut.
"Thank you Vilya." I smiled and Thranduil gave me a small hug. Legolas help me onto the horse and we rode back to the palace.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now