The Fellowship

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No one said any thing for a long time. Then Boromir spoke
"No one does not simply walk into Mordor." Legolas stood up, his eyes filled with rage.
"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!" Gimli leaped to his feet. Legolas gave him a dirty stare.
"And I suppose you think your the one to do it! I'll be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elves!" Everyone jumped up, taking sides. I just sat watching as everyone was shouting at each other. Everyone but Frodo. Then I watched as Frodo jumped to his feet and shouted
"I will take it!" Everyone stopped at once. Frodo countined
"I will take the Ring to Mordor..... Although I don't know the way." Gandalf smiled at Frodo and walked over to him.
"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo. As long as it is yours to bear." I watched in shock as Uncle Aragorn walked up to Frodo.
"I'm life or death I can protect you. You have my sword." Legolas walked over saying
"You have my bow." Gimli trotted over with
"And my axe!" Boromir walked forward and said
"You bear the fate of us all, little one." Then all of a sudden three hobbits came running out of the bushes.
"Frodo isn't leaving without us!" They cried. Father was trying hard not the laugh. As I watched them, I wanted this adventure more than my life. I was sick of being suck here with nothing to do. I stepped forward.
"Frodo?" He turned to me.
"I will come with you." Father looked at me and said
"No!" I turned to him
"Father, this is my life. This is the path I chose." Father had tears in his eyes but he nodded. I smiled at him and then touched Frodo's shoulder.
"I hope I do not have to save your life too many times." That made him smile. Gandalf looked at Elrond.
"My lord, this is be good for her. I will look after her." I was glad that someone was on my side as both Aragorn and Legolas were not. Elrond nodded and I could see some of the life drained out of him.

That night I started to pack my leather backpack. I packed a map of Middle Earth and two books. I would wear my daggers, bow and quiver and sword. I could use a bow, but it was not my favourite chose of weapon. I also packed a small bag of healing herbs, a water bottle and some food. I managed to also pack a spare cloak and hood and my sharpening stone. Arwen walked in and helped me fold everything and place it all carefully into the bag. She sat down on the bed and I sat next to her.
"I want you to have this, Vilya." She pulled out a bag. I went to open it but she stopped me.
"It is for in the morning." Then she walked out. I went to sleep not long after she left.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now