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The funeral was outside. I stood next to Legolas, yes I stood. My leg was feeling a lot better since I got here. The stuff they had here was strong and quick to heal. Legolas had an expression I had never seen before. Aragorn and Gimli had their heads bent. Then I remembered
She was laughing, the wind was in her long brown hair. She had sparkling brown eyes and she was dancing on green grass. She was singing and laughing.
I turned to Aragorn, the vision had faded. I shook my head and tried to remember more. But it had gone.

Later that day, Gandalf was trying to get the king to stay in the Golden Halls, but the king said that he would make for Helm's Deep. Where ever that was.  Gandalf sighed but turned to me and said
"Vilya, pack your things." I walked back to my room and got out of the red dress I had been wearing and changed into a fresh set of fighting clothes. The outfit Galadriel gave me was wrecked with blood and dirt. As I was deciding what to wear, a knock came from the door.
"Come in!" In walked Legolas and he handed me the dress that Arwen had given me at our parting. ~See media section~
"How did you come by this?" I asked, amazed. I was so sure it was wrecked at Moria. Legolas smiled and replied
"I had fixed." It looked brand new. I smiled at him and then pulled him into a hug. He laughed gently and hugged me back. Then I thought I heard him whisper
"I love you." But I wasn't sure so I didn't reply,but hugged him harder.
"Thank you..... Legolas." He touched my cheek quickly then walked out of the room. I quickly changed into the dress and strapped on my daggers, quiver and bow and clipped on my sword. Then I braided my hair into a long braid down my back. As I looked into the mirror, I saw she.
She was dancing with a young man with brown eyes and brown hair. They were both laughing. I gasped. Orcs had surround them and suddenly they stopped dancing. The man pulled out his out his sword. Then the orcs charged at them. I watched as the sword came down on the woman.
I screamed and found myself on the floor with the mirror broke all round me. Aragorn and Legolas came busting through the door.
"Vilya, what happened?" Aragorn asked, kneeling down in front of me.
"You never told me who my parents were or how they died." Aragorn looked at me, slightly confused.
"I keep having visions, my parents and how they died." I got up from the broke glass. Aragorn sighed and replied
"Vilya, I found you in hut by the edge of a forest. You were half starved so I took you to Lord Elrond. End of story." I walked out the door, calling out over my shoulder.
"But that is not the story or the end!"

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son (The Daughter Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now