Mutation day: Mikey

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You woke up to the sound of birds chirping,  haha just kidding. The sound of doors slamming and people screaming is what woke you up. You groaned getting out of bed, you crawled over to the dresser then pulled your self up. While opening one of the drawers you grabbed some light blue skinny jeans, you closed that drawer and went to the next one, opening it you grab a black crop top. You slowly and tiredly put them on, then you put on your captain America graphic sneakers.
After you put all your cloths on, you
Walked out and saw Leah, Keely, Donnie, and Raph watching TV. You walked up to all of them and sat down in between Keely and Leah.
You looked at Leah then Keely and then back at Leah, you said in a weird sorta questionable way,
"I feel like I'm missing something."
Keely looked straight at you and laughed.

"I think what your missing is the boys mutation day."
She said smirking.

Leah face palmed and said,
"Well if you guys are going shopping, count me out."

You and Keely grinned.
"Why not, I mean you probably got nothing for Raph."
Keely said laughing.

You and Keely got up and stood in front of Leah with your hands on your hips.
Raph whispered something into Leah's ear and she stood up automatically.
"Let's go."
And she dragged both of you guys out of the lair.

When you guys got topside she let go of both of you guys and Keely decided to ask,
"What did he say to you?"
She said looking at Leah confused.

"Let's just say that, if I stayed I might have to hurt Raph and make sure he can't have children."
She sorta whispered. You and Keely laughed at her. You then grabbed both of them and headed to the mall to find the boys birthday presents.

Time skip

You guys got home with their presents and you and Keely watched Leah and Raph sense what happened earlier.
Leah tossed the box to Raph and he caught it.

"So babe what did I get?"
He asked curiously.

"Why don't you open the box and find out."
She said sarcastically. He opened it very carefully and then a another box was inside. He gave her the 'are you serious'  look and she smiled at him.
He kept going through box, after box, after box until he got to the last one.
He opened it carefully and then he saw a tiny little turtle with a red ribbon around her shell.

His eyes went big and he hugged Leah tight.
"Raph...... can't ......... breathe."
He released and looked in her eyes.

"This is the best present you could ever get me."

You got tired so you brought your gift to Mikey. Mikey was in your guys room playing with his action figures, when he saw you walk in with a big heavy box, he ran up to you and helped you out.
"Thanks and open the box."
He shrugged and opened the box.

"No way you got me my own TV and every crognar show ever made on DVD. I love you so so so so much!"

You helped him set up everything, you guys had a crognar marathon.

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