A Christmas Surprise

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Elizabeth stayed pretty much out of the others way. She spent her time at the guest room. Letting her petronus fly around in the room. It had changed and she was thinking why. Before it was a black raven, now it was a lion. She thought of her mother, how hers had been a lion too. She knew the petronus could change form if something happened, but she had never thought she would be the one it happened to. It made everything feel more real. It also brought back a lot of memories.

Christmas was coming, making her even more depressed. Yes it sounded stupid, but the thought of being alone wasn’t very compiling. She felt like this intruder, braking everyone’s entering and forcing herself up on them. They could have their holydays alone, she didn’t care. But Elizabeth couldn’t even convince herself on the fact, so why bother. There was a knock before the door was opened, she didn’t even bother to look who it was. “When did you get your wand back!?” She heard someone bark and that someone was Sirius. “Around a week ago.” She answered, still looking at her petronus, walking back and forth. Crazy as it sounds the female lion managed to make her feel warm. Like it brought a rush of good memories into her system.

“And how did you supposedly do that?” She heard Sirius bark from behind. “What do you want?” She snapped back. Not bothering to face him. Christmas wasn’t her favorite holyday, at least not now.  “My godson is coming tomorrow and-“ He began, but Elizabeth cut him off. On the edge to tears again, she just wanted him to leave. “Fine, I’ll stay away.” With a wave of her wand he was showed out of the room and the door was locked. A few seconds passed before the first drop fell.

Elizabeth was home with her family. Her father was wearing his usual ‘Christmas Sweater’ which was a regular red cashmere sweater, but he insisted that it was otherwise. It was the sweater he had worn on Christmas Eve when he met her mother. He told that story every Christmas and the glint in his eyes never disappeared.

The next day at dinner Elizabeth was tired of hiding and came to the conclusion that she should take it together. Making it down the stairs. “You got to be kidding me.” She said a little too loud. In the hallway stood Harry. “Hallo Professor.” He greeted her. Sirius burst into the room, hearing that Elizabeth was there. “Harry!” he exclaimed and they embraced each other.

“So you will be joining us for dinner?” Harry asked, feeling a little bit shy that his professor was there. Sirius froze but Elizabeth had already replied. “Sure, in a second.” You could see irritation fill Sirius face, but he smoothed it fast out, nobody noticed. But as she sat down together with everyone else, she noticed his death glare. Giving her a warning. Like she would think to do anything here, with so many people around, she wasn’t that stupid.

“So Harry, tell me. How is it going?” Sirius began a conversation with Harry, while Mrs. Weasley handed out the presents. Elizabeth sat there, sitting in the back. “Oh I am sorry dear, I must have forgotten you.” Mrs. Weasley said, when every present was handed out and Elizabeth was the only one without a pile. “Don’t worry about it.” She mumbled and took a sip of her wine.

The night continued and by the time of dessert she excused herself. “I’ll give you some time.” She mumbled, only a few people in the room heard.

She went out for some fresh air. The night was cold and she saw fresh white snow falling down on the ground. Covering it with beautiful ice crystals. “I hate Christmas.” She mumbled into the night. Her hand resting on her chest where her necklace were. She felt the first tears fall, a flood fallowing behind. A hand was laid on her shoulder and she twirled around. Looking into a pair of dark brown eyes. That could be mistaken by black tunnels. He brought her head into his shoulder and held her there, protecting her against everything. The people that hated her, the sadness and emptiness she felt inside, the guilt, the cold…Voldemort. It felt safe. Her breathing slowed down, but he didn’t let go. She looked up at him, his face, lit up by the moon. His hand went up to her chin, his fingertips stroking her. Warm and comfortable. His other hand went around her waist as he held her close. His nose touching hers and at last their lips met. It was like things got better. The loss of her family, the big empty hole she had inside seemed to grow. The wound closed. The worries that had been haunting her for months seemed to become unimportant. It was like you never wanted the moment to end.

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