Changed positions

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There was a knock at Elizabeth’s door. She was going over the teaching plan for the next day. “Come in.” She yelled, not wanting to get up from what she was doing. The people entered and closed the door behind. She felt something stab her in her neck, making her freeze. Slowly she looked up to see Umbridge together with tree aurors. “You are herald arrested for the attack of tree muggle born students.” She spat with a satisfied smirk as she pointed her wand at her. Handcuffs was locked around her wrists and she was dragged out of her office. Earning several glances from the students. “Don’t worry dears, we have everything under control.” Umbridge spoke in a false sugary sweet voice, a fighting Elizabeth being dragged behind the two aurors.

The second they were inside Dumbledore’s office she was thrown at the ground. Snape was also in the room, together with a shocked McGonagall. Dumbledore looked up at Umbridge for an explanation. “She was arrested this morning. Witnesses saw her wandering the corridors outside the Hufflepuff tower and even one claim he saw her use one of the unforgivable curses towards a boy.” Umbridge spat. Elizabeth had managed to get up from the floor by now, but one of the aurors was holding her by her color and pressing his wand into her ribs. She was focusing on one spot, trying not to show any signs of weakness. “Ms Taylor?” She heard the familiar calm voice and dared a peak. Dumbledore’s eyes met her, just as twinkly as before. “I didn’t- It wasn’t me. I promise.” She said, begging for them to believe her, panic in her voice.

“Oh shut up.” Umbridge said as she gestured for them to move. Elizabeth was fighting the aurors the best she could, but they were so strong. “No! Let me go! I didn’t do it, I promise!” She was screaming and going over to hysterical. When she was out the door and on her way towards the tower Umbridge spoke. “The Ministry will be here tomorrow.”

With a dunk she landed on the cold cell floor, the sprinkled iron door closed shut right behind her. The handcuffs around her hands wasn’t removed and she fought all she could to get them off. Trying wand less spells, dragging, ripping and trying to slid her hands through. But to no use, they stayed intact. Only her wrists began paying for it. As she fought the iron dug deeper into her skin, creating a thin line, which only got bigger the more she fought. After a while she gave up from exhaustion and ended up lying on the cell floor, looking through the bars. The moon was high up on the sky now and it was almost full. Shining and creating light. Tears was floating down her face now, afraid of what happen next.

She heard footsteps coming towards her and she curled a little bit more together in a protecting way. Snape appeared on the other side of the sprinkled door, looking down at her. The same scowl on his face and his cloak almost making him invisible in the night. His pale face was reflected by the moon and his dark oblivion eyes looked into hers blue. They didn’t say anything for a long time, but Elizabeth’s tears continued on rolling down her cheeks, not even conscious about it. They continued on staring into each other’s eyes until Snape left her alone. 

“I believe her.” His cold and drare voice spoke. He was now in Dumbeldore’s office, alone with the old headmaster. “It would have surprised me if you hadn’t.” The headmaster spoke thoughtfully, like he was thinking a million things at once. “And what is that supposed to mean?” Snape barked in defense. Dumbledore didn’t reply, only began scribbling something on a piece of paper and let his owl fly away with it.


Elizabeth moaned a little and then stretched, but something stopped her from doing so. She opened her eyes to find herself on a soft couch, a blanket wrapped around her and the fire lit. Snape entered the room and placed a cup of hot tea between her handcuffed hands. Without words she took a sip, not even realizing how much she needed it until it was all gone. She looked down were her wrists was handcuffed, Snape watched her in silence. She tried to get lose, just to check if it actually were real. But they stayed intact. After a while she gave up and fell silent again. It wasn’t before then Snape spoke. “Dumbledore has arranged that you should stay with me until further notice.” Elizabeth didn’t look up at him, only at her hands. “I am afraid there is no other way.” He said after a while, referring to the handcuffs. It was one of the many precautions the ministry had set so she could stay there.

It wasn’t fun being like this. She felt so venerable. No matter what she tried she couldn’t get lose from the handcuffs. No matter how much it hurt she wouldn’t stop, it was in her nature. Never to give up. She felt like an animal.

“You have to stop doing that.” Snape had entered the room without her notice. Seeing how she was fighting again. Capturing her hands in his and making them stand still. “You won’t get lose and- god you’re bleeding.” He saw how the flood of red dripped down in her lap. “Here” He mumbled while placing a white bandage under the handcuffs. Being careful so it wouldn’t hurt. “Thanks.” She mumbled, not looking at him. “Do you want something to eat?” He asked, feeling like he owned her his life. “No.” She shook her head. Snape sat down in his armchair beside the fire and closed his eyes while massaging his temples. Trying to relax. Elizabeth was looking at him, just staring actually. Before she shared her thoughts out loud. “Is there any news?” She was referring to her case and Snape sighed. “No, there hasn’t been.” In reality he was lying so it leaked down his ears. Off course it was. But he wasn’t going to tell her that she had been convicted several times over the last couple of trials, but thanks to Dumbledore’s priority she was never arrested and taken away. But Snape knew just as well as Elizabeth that Dumbledore didn’t have that power forever and sooner or later the Ministry would act. Off course it did not help if Fudge recognized the woman that was present in Snape’s trial. Then she would be accused of fraud to.

 “Maybe it’s for the best.” She said thoughtfully leaning back on the couch. “What do you mean?” Snape barked, not liking the tone in her voice. She didn’t answer him, only played with the chain that held her two hands together. “You did not commit that crime.” He said sneeringly. Not knowing why he was protecting her. “No.” She agreed, but added. “I did a lot of other things as you might now. So maybe I am not convicted of the right thing, but still…” She trailed off and put her hands down. Placing them on her chest as she looked up in the sealing. Snape didn’t answer, instead he walked out the door. Letting her be for herself. He honestly did not know what to do. She was so… He couldn’t even find the words. Hopefully she would put down the idea when he got back.

Later on that day Umbridge entered without a knock or a warning in Elizabeth’s case. “Get. Out.” She sneered towards the toad looking woman. “But my dear! Is that the way you are talking to someone who is working for the Ministry of-“ Elizabeth cut her off rudely. “I want you out!” She sneered, the handcuffs on her wrists boring into her skin again. Her muscles tensed. “Tea?” Umbridge spoke, walking further into Snape’s chambers. “I want you to leave, please?” Elizabeth spoke as she heard Umbridge pour the tea. But the woman didn’t answer, only came back with two cups of what Umbridge called ‘tea’. “Why are you here Dolores?” Elizabeth spoke tiredly as she took a sip of the hot liquid. But coughed it up again, tasting how disgusting it was. “I was going to ask if you needed anything, but seeing I am not wanted I guess I should leave.” Umbridge spoke offended, leaving the tea she hadn’t even touched. “And you call this tea?” Elizabeth growled after her.

Elizabeth was on the same spot where he had left her. Only now holding her mother’s necklace between her fingers. She waited for him to make himself comfortable before she spoke. “I don’t want to go to prison.” She sounded…scared. Something you didn’t hear very often come out of her mouth. “You are not going to jail.” He said, like what she was saying was just nonsense. “You know I am Severus. And it’s probably for the best, but I-“ She began getting hysterical, continuing to fight the handcuffs. Tear were now rolling down her smooth face as her sobs became louder. “Stop it, stop it. Look at me.” Snape sneered. Capturing her hands again, so she wouldn’t hurt herself. “Look at me.” He mumbled. She had her face turned away from him, but slowly she met his eyes. “You are not going to prison, do you hear me? I am going to make sure of it.” She was holding his arm between hers, afraid of what might happen if she let go. “Why? Why are you so nice to me?” It only made her feel more horrible than ever. Snape didn’t answer, only jerked his hand out of her grip and left the room.

Elizabeth Taylor (Harry Potter FF)Where stories live. Discover now