Chapter 6, Elizabeth snaps.

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Under dinner Elizabeth spotted Trevor. She lost her apatite by the sight of him. He was with a Slytherin gang. They were presumably four years older than him. It couldn’t be good, she knew it. She remembered the same thing had happened when she was in school. A freshman had been tricked to do things he didn’t want to. They forced him and he manage to get in serious trouble. She didn’t want the same thing to happen to him. There was something with Trevor that made him stand out, he was much more naive and kind.

“Trevor” The boy almost jumped up in the air when she said his name.


“Where were you earlier today?” She had decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Trevor didn’t answer. “I ask you again, Mr. Copper. Where were you earlier today.”

“I forgot class.” He mumbled and his eyes wandered towards the Slytherin table.

“What do you mean by forgot?” She was beginning to feel annoyed.

“I decided not to go.” Trevor’s voice became smaller and smaller for every second she stared at him.

Elizabeth exhaled. “Well then you can meet at my office in one hour.” With that she stormed off. Feeling rather annoyed. Professor Lockhorn passed her in the hallway and smiled.

“Well hallo professor! How do you do?”

It took everything in her power not  to snap at him.

“I am fine and you?”

“Oh, just going down to Hagrid - hoping to gather some ingredients.” He blinked to her. With that he hurried the other direction.

Elizabeth had decided that she was officially mad, irritated and just wanted to punch Snape. It annoyed her with his secrecy.

There was a knock on her door later that evening. “Come in!” She said and moved a few papers. Trevor, being already five minutes late, sat down. His ears glowed red and his eyes couldn’t stop looking at the floor. “Sit.” She said and he took the seat above her. “Now, I want you to write two parchments about switch and flick and why you think it is a good exorcise. Trevor took out parchment and quill and began writing.

Elizabeth glanced over at Trevor. His nose almost touched the paper.  “Is there something you would like to tell me?” Trevor looked up and bit his lip.

“No professor.”

She eyed him for a minute. “Absolutely sure?”

“Yes professor.”

“Alright, you may leave.”

“Yes professor.” Trevor got up to his feet and gathered together all his things, his essay the only thing remaining. Elizabeth waited for him to leave before she picked it up and read it slowly.

At breakfast Snape sat down on his usual seat, next to her. His scowl had even grown bigger and he was what you could call impossible to talk to.

“Halo, had a nice night?” She asked.

Nothing but a sneering sound replied her.  

“Maybe we should take a trip into Hogsmeade this Sunday?” She asked.

“I am afraid I do not have the ability to take Sunday off, Elizabeth.”

She hated the way he said ‘Elizabeth’ as if she were a child.

“What do you mean by you don’t have the ability?”

“I don’t have time to just take Sunday off, like you have, Elisabeth.” Her nails pressed into the palm of her hand just to stay calm.

“I was thinking we should talk.”

“What can we possibly have to talk about.” He said, not even looking at her.

“Is it possible. What do you think? We haven’t spoken for ages and a ‘halo’ doesn’t even count!” She sneered angrily and forced him to make eye contact.

“Maybe that is because you can’t see that I am busy!” He barked and hit his fist down in the table, food landed outside his plate. “So I am not important, am I?”

“Don’t be foolish, Elizabeth.”

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth!” She mimicked in the same cold tone.

McGonagall cleared her throat next to her, which brought her back from the fight with Severus.

“What?” She said annoyed, but her eyes landed on the students. Everyone had stopped eating and was staring up at her. Snape sent her a death glare from where he was sitting and she caught it in the corner of her eye.

“I think there is time to get to class. Come on.” McGonagall got up from her seat and began ordering the students to their right classrooms.

“Well you sure do know how to create attention to yourself, Elizabeth.” Snape looked at her between cracks in his eyes.

“And you certainly know how to flatter people.” She said and stormed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2012 ⏰

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