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Elizabeth made her way towards the Great Hall. Remembering her first entering when she was just a first year. She plumped down beside Snape and sighed dreamily, not even realizing it was him. Neither of the few teachers who were there Madam Pince, Professor Trelaway or McGonagall looked like they enjoyed her company.

“Well, may I introduce Ms. Elizabeth Taylor.” The headmaster spoke, but not in a very welcoming tone. Elizabeth was the first to leave the table and walked up to her bedroom, realizing how unwelcome she really was. Ignoring what the headmaster had told her she made her way towards the Slytherin common room and entered her childhood’s secret room. The soft pillows feeling so welcoming.

She must have lay there for hours, there was a knock and Snape entered to her surprise. “How did you-“ She trailed of, realizing he was the head of Slytherin. Off course he knew. He sat down on a purple pillow and looked at her. She was twirling her fingers nervously. “Severus, I-“ She exhaled and continued. “-I am sorry” He looked at her for a moment, before nodding briefly. “You should go back to your room, I don’t think the headmaster would be so pleased if he caught you breaking the rules again.” Lizzie nodded and got up. Quickly hurrying out the door.

She sighed and took of her robes, tomorrow she would have to ask someone if they could accompany her to Hogsmeade. She really didn’t want to go alone. She woke up with a major headache. Her head banging loudly. She moaned and rolled over. Getting up and pulling on her robe she made her way towards the dungeons. Her vision blurry and her head banging. She was by the door and made two knocks before her legs couldn’t bare her anymore and she fell to the floor. The room spinning before she passed out.

From inside Snape woke up by the knocks at the door. A quick look at his watch told him it was six o’clock in the morning. “Shut up.” He mumbled into his pillow before falling asleep again. When he walked out later that day he almost stumbled over something. It was Elizabeth, she was lying on the floor unconscious. Sighing he picked her limp body up and carried her towards the hospital wing.

He laid her down on one of the beds and she began screaming. As she was being tortured. It was ringing in the walls. It was hitting and screaming and it was obvious she was in pain. “Calm down! Calm down!” He sneered trying to hold her arms down, but it only made everything worse.

Tears began running down her face. “Then kill me! Kill me!” She yelled, still unconscious. Screaming from the excruciating pain. Snape panicking opened her mouth and forced down a bottle with Dreaming Draught. Soon the drug began to work and she stopped hitting, screaming and the air fell silent. Her face was pale and her fever was way too high. Even Dumbledore knew she couldn’t possibly be faking this.

Snape left a few minutes later, leaving Dumbledore to deal with what he began calling a problem. “Elizabeth, can you hear me?” Dumbledore asked, placing a hand over hers. She managed to make a small nod, almost invisible. “You are going to be alright.” Dumbledore said comfortingly.

The next day her fever was down, but not gone. Dumbledore had asked the school nurse to return to the school and she had accepted with a sigh. Madam Pomfrey was drying the sweet of her wet palm with a wet cloth. Madam Pomfrey was one of the few who didn’t judge. Off course she had her own opinions, but she kept them close to herself. “Thanks.” Elizabeth mumbled as the nurse laid another wet cloth on the top of her head.

A few days went by and she began returning to her normal self. She was sitting in the comfortable hospital bed alone in the infirmary. Looking at her Dark Mark. Stroking the burns with her little finger. Dumbledore entered and she quickly covered it up, somehow ashamed. Off course the headmaster caught her movement, but didn’t say anything. “How are you feeling?” He asked, she shrugged. “I am fine.” She said with a horse damaged tone. “Do you mind telling me what you dreamt?” he asked. She didn’t answer, only stared out in the air. “You were screaming.” He said.

“I don’t remember.” She lied, not looking at him. She could lie to almost everyone, except the headmaster. It was like his eyes could look through everything. It was silent for a moment and she dared a peak up towards him, but quickly looked away. He was still looking at her, his eyes not removing from her face. “I was under the Cruciatus Curse.” She said after a while. Dumbledore nodded. “Do you remember anything else?” He said, but she shook her head no. “It was dark, I was in a dark room.” She continued, narrowing her eyes to remember better.

When she was allowed out of bed she dressed in her own robes and made her way towards Snape’s office. She raised a hand to knock, but stopped herself. Closing her eyes and sighing she retrieved it. There were no chance in hell he would accompany her, not after the way she treated him. “You wanted to see me?” She heard a cold voice from behind and turned around to see Snape. Standing there and looking at her. His face was set on a scowl and his lips thin as a line. “I wanted to ask you if you could accompany me to Hogsmeade. I need some new robes.” She said hopefully.

“And why should I do that? The only thing you have been is a problem.” He sneered between clenched teeth, narrowing his eyes. “I-“ She trailed of and sighed. Nodding and then turned around. She hadn’t expected another answer really, so it wasn’t much to a surprise. Neither Professor McGonagall or any of the other teachers wanted to have anything to do with her either and that wasn’t so strange. She didn’t dare to ask the headmaster so she figured she had to go alone. 

She had a small amount of gold, enough to last until her first pay check. She began her way towards Hogsmeade, but stopped only after a few meter and turned around. She was scared. Elizabeth tucked her robes further around her, even if it was warm in the air she felt cold on the inside. But when she turned around she saw Snape coming towards her. He grabbed her arm and leaded the way. “Dumbledore told me to keep an eye on you. I don’t trust you.” He said, not letting go of her arm. A small smile played on her lips. “Thank you Severus.” She said after a while. Snape didn’t reply, only continued to lead the way.

She bought three expensive robes, a black sweater and a pair of regular jeans. Feeling rather in the good mood she added a couple of high heels. “Are you done?” Snape’s drear cold voice spoke. She nodded and paid for the things. On their way back it was like having a conversation with a wall. “So Severus, do you have a wife?” She asked, Snape didn’t reply. “Children?” She continued, Snape’s scowl only continued to grow faster.

“Are you still not over Lily?” She asked with a sigh. Snape came to a holt, anger boiling over him. “Look because I did accompany you, it didn’t mean I will let you go back to your regular self. It doesn’t mean I like you as a person or a friend. It only means that I at least have a heart.” His lips quirking backwards into a sneer and his greasy black hair falling in front of his eyes. And with that he stormed off, leaving her alone. Elizabeth sprinted for the castle, afraid of something she knew deep down were never going too happened. At least when she was there.

Elizabeth Taylor (Harry Potter FF)Where stories live. Discover now