It's The Day!

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Okay so,I really really didn't wanna just jump into a chapter and say "oh hey now they're getting married...but after weeks of writers block I decided I would go ahead and just write The Wedding because I do have some ideas and plan for when they go back to their usual schedule so please don't hate me...I promise to make these next few chapters better!

Three months later: (yea you guys are prob like what the heck is her prob skippin that much that was faster than that screwed up divas beat the clock match which BECKY SHOULD HAVE WON OR EVEN PAIGE! (In my rant book I shall go into detail as to what I have against Charlotte)

It's the day Alicia and Roman have been looking forward to,their wedding,they hadn't Gina public about it but we're sure that pictures and news would flow online sinner or later that day rather it was from them or not.

Roman was currently in the back room getting ready, nerves taking over,not only would he be marrying the girl he loved in front of co workers,even Stephanie had come but also his family and hers. Dean was his best man of course and The Usos offering to help with security or if anything happend or things started to be thrown,anything can happy at a WWE Wedding! JUST ASK LITA! 😶😂

Roman looked at himself in the mirror in his black tux,his hair nearly down and a smile on his face,just remembering everything that they've been threw,all the running around and plans and now,the day was here.

"You good brotha?" Dean asked from his chair

"More like great...he days finally here bro...I can't be any more happy."

"Ah come on,don't tell me you were doubting you guys relationship,I even knew you guys would make it to this day."

"No...I wasn't doubting...just regret all the mistakes and hurt I've ever done to her,after everything with G,I didn't think I'd be able to trust anyone or just say screw love but then she came into my life...and things changed."

"Sure did,new travel sister...your new lover,prankster,it's pretty dm great I can say myself."


Where as things were calm with the guys,I'm the girls rooms,total opposite.






After Marti finished straightening her hair she handed her a mirror. "So whatta you think girly?"

Looking at her reflection all she could do was smile. "I love you girlies so much,I don't think I would have made it this far in and outside the ring without you all."

"Hey no crying luv! That make up isn't cheap!...but we love you too." Paige said

"Oh Ali,you got a package from someone special,I think you'll really like it." NATTIE said as she walked in with a box with a letter tapped to the top. Placing the box in her lap she opened the mail first.

  Dear Alicia

Wow how much I wish I was still in the business to work with you,you remind me of myself when I first got to the business,it gets tough but if you stay strong and follow your game plan,you'll make it anywhere. Truly wish I could have made the wedding but flight delay :/,I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures and videos,and congratulations.

   Love your skippin Chuck Taylor once in time trainer other fellow diva, April....or crazy...only you,Paigie & Punkie can get away with saying that.

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