"You've Changed"

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The next day:
"Man can you believe they want us to pose for this magazine cover and we get our own page for fall fashion and simply fashion advice!"

"Marti,what did I tell you about starting your sentences with 'dude,bro or man' cool it or stop hanging with Ryder so much!"

"It's a habit! Get over it...oh my gosh,you should so try this dress on,it's so fall material AND! You could pair it with your any pair of your chucks,leggings."

Taking the dress off the rack Alicia looked at the gray long sleeve dress that had small Ruffles In the middle black in the background. She grabbed the leggings that hung beside it and lifted them both up beside each other.

"Hm,I was never a fan of long sleeves bit Marti...I like it,my knee high with the buckles,thanks girly."

"Anytime fellow doll,as for me." She Reached over grabbing a blue flannel dress with black strips, a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of flats.

"You're really gonna wear flats for a FALL shoot,most girls go for uggs (I think that's how u spell them,I don't wear them and think they're hideous so...yea)

"EW! Gross no,that's just like crocks,I still question who created those,besides I'm use to the cold,well sorta,you remember my mom anytime you came over she took off the heat saying 'open the window' them throwing like 3 blankets our way."

"Oh my gosh yes...she's so nice but so...cold blooded.."

"RIGHT!" They both laughed while continuing to go threw the clothes rack for the rest of their shoots until the camera man came over.

"So you two ready for the shoot,by the way,nice outfits." (They already changed I just didn't type it)

"WE SURE ARE! Time to kill it Sista."

"What she said...hey Marcus,do you know if Chole is gonna be here today,I kinda wanna change up my hair and I hear she's the best one down here?" Alicia asked

"She should be in by 4 but I think you guys will be done here before then,I could give her the address or hotel you're staying at and she can meet up if she's free."

"That'd be great."

"You're changing up your hair again?"

"Well,everyone's saying 'new attitude' so new attitude new me,I've gotta be back to where it all started...Seth had the nerve to stop me the other day when I was leaving."

"Oh god what did he want?"

"I'll tell you after the shoot."

With Roman
"Mrs Love do you take Mr Reigns to be your lawfully wedded husband,in sickness and in health u too death do you part?"

Alicia looked into Roman's eyes with a huge smile fighting to hold in back the tears. "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife,you may now kiss the bride."

Roman stood up pacing back and forth around the room trying to shake off the flashback he had,was it a good one,yes but with the situation that was happening it was only making him hurt even more.

Roman stopped when he saw the blow up picture of him and Alicia on the table that she had left. His heart was racing,a few tears rolling down his cheeks. Stopping in his tracks he walked over to the table swiping everything off.

He turned around punching the wall letting out all the emotion he was feeling, leaning on the wall he closed his eyes trying to maintain himself before doing anything he's regret especially having Smackdown later,he needed to find some type of way to calm himself down and clear his mind..

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